Hebrew News – Get to know: various dental problems that may indicate disease

by time news

Familiarize yourself with: various dental problems that may indicate disease

Bad breath, mouth ulcers that do not go away, dryness and pain in the jaw area – sometimes these are signs that can indicate various medical problems. Here are all the warning signs you should know

The common bacteria in gum disease are the same bacteria that are found in the body during various diseases, especially heart diseases. Therefore, people with heart problems should especially maintain oral hygiene to prevent the recurrence of the disease. Here are some signs you shouldn’t ignore:

Ulcers and aphthae

Ulcers that look white or red can be a suspicious sign of cancer in the oral cavity. For example, people who smoke more than half a pack a day for five years or more, or those who frequently consume alcohol are at increased risk. If you feel a small gland or a hard lump in your jaw close to the glands, which does not go away after two weeks, you should get checked because it can indicate a tumor disease.

A change in the color of the lips

Our lips are supposed to be pink and uniform, therefore a change of color manifested for example in the appearance of a freckle on the lips, can signal skin cancer in the oral cavity. Subtle bluish freckles may also indicate a problem.

Bad Breath

Changes in the smell of the mouth can indicate all kinds of diseases, since the mouth is connected to the abdominal cavity, such a phenomenon can indicate on the one hand something routine like eating food with strong spices, but sometimes also advanced gum disease or sinus infections. There is a bad breath that indicates diabetes, for example, and if the smell is strong and sweet, it can indicate a dangerous condition of this disease.

dry mouth

Various autoimmune diseases lead to the immune system attacking the excretory glands, in particular the salivary glands and the lacrimal glands. The disease affects more women than men, and one of its clear signs is dryness in all wet tissues, including the eyes and also constant thirst caused by dry mouth.

Jaw pain

A sharp pain in the teeth and jaws during exertion or during physical activity can indicate a heart problem. Such pain is usually present on the left side but not always. Some people feel this pain during a heart attack. Pain in the muscles and jaws that appear not necessarily during physical activity can indicate gum problems.

pains accompanied by erosion

Pain in the muscles and jaws that accompany teeth grinding, erosion, and changes in the shape of the tooth, can indicate nocturnal apnea syndrome, which is actually an obstructive sleep breathing disorder. Such a situation leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen reaching the brain in the middle of the night, which is usually accompanied by snoring because the body is trying to signal that it has no air and is trying to open the airways.

Changes in the shape and texture of the enamel

Tightening, erosion and changes in the shape and texture of the tooth enamel can indicate eating disorders. Usually, these suggest bulimia accompanied by vomiting and an increase in acidity. Acid erosion in the mouth can also indicate reflux. A disorder in which acidic contents, which remain in the stomach, rise into the esophagus.

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums for no apparent reason, which appear in women of childbearing age, can sometimes indicate pregnancy.

In conclusion, you should make sure that the annual examination at the dentist is comprehensive and will include: a panoramic photograph, an examination of the oral tissues, the skin around the mouth, the oral cavity, the tongue, the cheeks, the palate, the examination of the lips and color changes and palpation of the lymph nodes in the head and neck. Also, a periodic examination that includes a panoramic photograph can detect dangerous bacteria or a suspicious wound that may turn out to be cancerous, so it is very important to be careful about this.

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