Hebrew News – HBO’s New Hit: “General Rehearsal”

by time news

The new series written by comedian Nathan Filder is a concentrated capsule of a wide range of emotions consisting of cynicism, wisdom, emotion, humor, cruelty, compassion, drama and more and more. Filder is not afraid to combine laughter with existential questions and he does so in a way that is so unique to him

The plot of “General Rehearsal” follows Filder himself, who gives advice to people in the line, that is, not actors, but people like the rest of us, who are at some crossroads, and want to get help in choosing, or preparing for the crucial moment. For example, in the first episode, Filder conducts a simulation with a guy who wants to expose a lie he told to his close friend.

So in fact, in each re-episode there are more and more such simulations, which present the art of forgery from a different point of view. But from all this, tiny buds of truth, of reality, of emotion, and of humanity can be seen. Filder’s social experiment floods viewers with who they are, what they think of the world, and how they feel about it.

Most of all, “General Rehearsal” manages to flood the tension that exists today, perhaps more than ever, between reality and fiction. Between the truth and the false. The successful comedian actually asks us – is it possible to have a real relationship, when all we see is ourselves?

In this sense, the series is not only a wild and refreshing comedy, but also an important, philosophical and clever TV event. It succeeds in dismantling and emptying the meaning of many so-called significant issues, such as the institution of marriage, friendship, religion, career, security and more and more. But as mentioned, all of these existential questions are shrouded in quite a bit of humor and cynicism.

Still, this is a rising comedian in the United States, one who manages to expand his fan base at a dizzying pace, and produce quality, entertaining and refreshing content. In conclusion, if you fancy quality content, a surprising combination of reality and comedy, “General Return” is your next show.

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