Hebrew News – In response to the Russian threat: NATO plans to establish a permanent military presence

by time news

In response to the Russian threat: NATO plans to establish a permanent military presence

The secretary general of the military alliance said the organization wanted to carry out a strategic “reset” that would be an adaptation to the new security reality.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is working on plans for a permanent military presence within its borders – in an effort to combat future Russian aggression, the British Telegraph reported, citing Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.

(Photo: Shutterstock)

NATO is “in the midst of a very significant change,” which will reflect “the long-term consequences” of the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Stolstenberg said.

“What we are seeing now is a new reality, the new normal for European security,” he continued. “Therefore, we have now asked our military commanders to provide options for what we call NATO’s long-term resilience.”

Stoltenberg, who recently announced that he would extend his term as head of the military alliance for a year, said in an interview with the Telegraph that the decision to reset the organization’s strategy would be made at the NATO summit in Madrid in June.

The secretary general said he expressed support for Ukraine’s calls on Western allies, such as Germany, to abolish the distinction between defensive weapons and offensive weapons – in response to Berlin’s decision not to supply offensive weapons to Kiev. “Ukraine is now defending against invasion,” he said. NATO Secretary-General, “So everything Ukraine does is defensive.”

NATO is the most successful alliance in history, for two reasons: one is that we have succeeded in uniting Europe and North America. The second is that we have managed to change as the world changes. Now the world is changing, and so is NATO.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sparked the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II, leading Western countries to rethink their defense policies – especially given the fact that the threats coming out of President Putin’s mouths are not just words.

About two weeks ago it was reported that Germany was considering buying an Israeli missile defense system, as the country had recently increased its defense budget in response to the Russian invasion. According to the report, Berlin is interested in acquiring “Arrow 3”

Andreas Schwartz, a Member of Parliament for the ruling Social Democratic Party, said it made sense for Germany to acquire such a military system. “We need to better protect ourselves from the threat coming from Russia. To do that, we need to quickly mechanize wide missiles for all of Germany. The Arrow 3 system is a good solution.”

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