Hebrew News – Iranian President calls for Trump to be prosecuted “aggressor and murderer”

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Iranian President calls for Trump to be prosecuted “aggressor and murderer”

On the occasion of the two-year anniversary of the assassination of Quds Force Commander Qassem Suleimani, the President of the Islamic Republic argued that Trump and Pompeo, the main culprits, should face a fair trial

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi has called on former President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to stand trial for the assassination of General Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards, who was killed in a January 2020 drone strike by U.S. military forces.

Donald Trump (Photo: Shutterstock)

Raisi delivered a speech on Monday marking the two-year anniversary of the death of one of Iran’s most senior figures, saying “Trump and Pompeo should be tried in a fair trial” for the assassination of Suleimani, calling the 45th US president “aggressor”, “killer” and “main culprit”. “.

“If Trump and Pompeo are not tried in court for the criminal act of assassinating General Suleimani, the Muslims will take revenge on our martyrs,” Raisi said, as reported by the Reuters news agency. “The aggressor, the killer and the main culprit – the then President of the United States – must be tried under the law of retribution [האסלאמי]”The judgment of God must be carried out against him.”

According to Iran’s Islamic laws, convicted murderers can be executed unless the victims’ family agrees otherwise. The Iranian court has ruled that there are 127 suspects linked to Suleimani’s assassination, including 74 U.S. citizens. The Attorney General of the Islamic Republic said Trump “the offender is at the top of the list.”

The assassination of Suleimani took place near Baghdad airport, Iraq, on January 3, 2020. Trump announced the next day that “last night we took action to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war.” Pompeo also welcomed the assassination at the time, saying: “Today we are definitely safer.”

Exterminated Quds Force Commander, Qassem Suleimani (Photo: AP)

According to the Pentagon, the mission was carried out because Suleimani “actively developed plans to attack American diplomats and service personnel in Iraq and the region,” and that he was “responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American service members and coalition personnel and the injury of thousands more.”

About two weeks ago, the former head of the Israeli intelligence division, retired Major General Tamir Heiman, gave a retirement interview in which he first admitted that Israel was involved in the American air strike that killed the commander of the Quds Force. “The assassination of Suleimani was an achievement, since our main enemy, in my eyes, are the Iranians,” Heiman said.

The retired general noted that during his tenure at the head of the division there were two significant assassinations. “The first, as I have already mentioned, was Qassem Suleimani. It is rare to find someone so senior, who is the architect of the fighting force, the strategist and the operator – it is rare.”

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