Hebrew News – Martin Scorsese at the New York Film Festival: “Today’s cinema is only focused on money, it’s repulsive”

by time news

Martin Scorsese at the New York Film Festival: “Cinema today only focuses on money, it’s repulsive”

The veteran and beloved director recently arrived at the prestigious festival in honor of a celebratory screening of his new documentary and criticized the film industry today. “Concentrating only on viewers and box office, for me it’s a real insult,” he said

Martin Scorsese’s films will probably stay with us for many years, including “Taxi Driver”, “The Good Company”, “Raging Bull”, and more. The successful director became undoubtedly one of the most important creators of the period, the director of directors. Now, in honor of the release of his new film, Scorsese came to the festival in New York and spoke out against commercial cinema.

Of course, Scorsese’s words come due to the streaming giants taking over the film industry, and as a result, many of us have changed the way we watch. “As a filmmaker who cannot imagine life without cinema, I see this as a real insult,” he explained. The successful director also attacked commercial cinema and the people behind it, who are only interested in money.

“Cinema today experiences a lack of appreciation, disdain from all directions. Mainly from the artistic side. The focus is on numbers, and that is repulsive,’ he concluded. As mentioned, Scorsese’s new film was screened at the prestigious festival, and it is called “Personal Crisis: One Night Only”. According to the reports, the director’s upcoming film “Moon Flower Killers” will be released very soon, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, De Niro (how not) and more.

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