Hebrew News – Meow: This is how cats improve your health

by time news

Love cats but don’t have one at home yet? A new study states that the furry creature is not only sweet, but also really beneficial for our physical and mental health. So what exactly does that mean? Here is the full list

Who knew that loving cats and having even one at home could benefit health in several areas? A new study explains that cats definitely improve our mental and physical health. This is how they do it:

Lower the stress levels

Having cats lowers stress levels in the body. Purring, cozy fur, body heat, laughter and love can certainly do that. As we know, high levels of stress are also associated with diseases of the heart system, so reducing stress is something that is very beneficial for heart health. Having a cat at home can lower the chance of heart disease and stroke by up to 30 percent. Researchers visited 120 couples in their homes to observe how they react to stress and if cats help in any way. They measured the participants’ heart rate and blood pressure, and before putting them through stressful tasks, let them be in the same room with their cats, alone or with their partner. The cat-owning group was able to maintain low levels of stress during the tasks and their blood pressure and heart rate were lower. They were more challenged than threatened, they even made fewer mistakes in math. They also recovered from stress faster psychologically and were also more relaxed when in the presence of the cats.

Raise the levels of happiness

In questionnaires and surveys, cat owners always claim that they are happier, with more self-confidence, calmer and deal better with problems in life. The presence of cats is also good for children. The study found that children who have a strong connection to cats enjoy a higher quality of life. And the more they were connected to the cats, the better they felt, were more energetic and less sad and lonely. It also works the other way around: another study found that cats can help relieve bad feelings and get rid of depression.

Upgrading relationships

Studies show that cat owners are more socially sensitive, trust others more and may also like other humans more. Animals serve as a kind of social catalyst and encourage connections between people. An animal is very accepting and non-judgmental, shows affection regularly, is consistent, loyal and never lies. These characteristics can fulfill the basic human need to feel valued and loved.

Contribute to general health

Researchers followed over 4,000 people for 13 years. Among other things, they found that current or former cat owners are less likely to die from a heart attack than those who have never owned a cat, even when adding in risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking and high BMI. The statistics the researchers found showed that people who owned cats in the past also enjoyed these benefits. In another study at the University of Pennsylvania, 25 people who had just adopted a cat were followed and had them fill out a questionnaire at the beginning and several times over ten months. They found that as time passed, people complained less about physical symptoms such as headaches, backaches and colds. For some of the followers, some of the health benefits have weakened over time, and the researchers have an answer for this as well: it may be related to the nature of the relationship with the cat – those who bond less enjoy it less. The cat people are sure to sign off on it.

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