Hebrew News – Overweight in old age: all possible causes and treatments that are important to know

by time news

2023-05-09 03:01:12

Excess rate in old age: all the possible causes and treatments that are important to know

Have you discovered another annoying hair on your chin, mustache or even on your ears? The body’s ability to continue producing hair is maintained throughout life and is affected by age, genetics, hormones and also other factors such as taking certain medications. The good news is that something can be done about it

Age, genetics and hormones continue to affect us, and from time to time we discover more disturbing hair in the mustache area, chin and even on the ears. Therefore, it is actually not possible to remove hair ‘permanently’. If so, what are the causes of a sudden rate in old age and what are the ways to treat it?

First, it must be distinguished from a condition of excessive rate, which is defined when it appears already at a young age in different areas of the body, such as a hairy back, the nape of the neck, the forehead, the hands and so on. In teenage girls, for example, excessive hair is considered such when a lot of hair appears on the face – sideburns, chin and mustache – on the nipples and around the navel. As far as the lesson is concerned, there is not one absolute definition that is suitable for everyone, because there are changes between men and women and between people of different ages. As mentioned, an excess rate can appear even after the age of 25-30.

An excess rate can be due to additional factors, here are some of them:

birth control pills

“In 2% of young women who take birth control pills, change the type of pill, or stop the treatment, an excess rate will occur in the facial area,” says Dr. Allman. “When the pills are stopped, there is an outbreak of acne and acne for a certain period of time, but it definitely passes.


Certain drugs, such as steroids or various psychiatric drugs, lead to hormonal changes in the body and hence to an excessive rate. The drug minoxidil for hair growth, for example, began its life as a blood pressure medicine and only later was it discovered that one of its side effects is the growth of hair on the head and not on the body. Medicines for the treatment of prostate enlargement can also cause an excessive rate in the face and head.


Various nutritional supplements may contain phytoestrogens, compatible with female hormones that may cause changes in the degree of the rate.

Polycystic ovaries

In women suffering from polycystic ovaries there is an increase in testosterone – and hence also an excess rate. It can also happen in the middle of life. Not necessarily something you are born with. It can be due to stress that causes the polycystic ovary to lead to an excessive rate, from a viral disease that changed the values ​​and so on. In fact, an overweight woman’s face can happen at any time in life.

bone fusion

An excessive rate can be a surprising side effect of bone fusion, because in the process in which the bone heals itself using various growth substances, hair growth is also encouraged. When someone breaks a leg or an arm, after the cast is removed they may notice an excess – thankfully temporary.


At the age when menstruation ends in women, we see a lot more hair on the face, in the chin area, the wigs and the mustache. As soon as menstruation ends, there is an increase in male hormones, but the level of the rate varies from woman to woman. Another thing that you see in all women is the appearance of white downy hair, against which there is nothing to be done. In men, an excess rate appears already at the age of 45 and above, mainly in the ears and the bridge of the nose. It is an expression of normal and non-pathological hormonal and metabolic changes.

If so, how do you get rid of unnecessary hair?

Since the facial area is sensitive, exposed and prominent, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each of the hair removal methods. After choosing one of the methods, it is important to follow the instructions of the preparation or do it in an institute licensed by the Ministry of Health.


A cheap method and available anywhere and anytime, but a significant disadvantage of shaving hair in the facial area is that it encourages the growth of thicker, harder and darker hair, similar to shaving hair in other parts of the body. It causes the growth of unsightly bristles and may create pimples or dry skin.

Tweezers or thread

This is the ancient and traditional method of removing hair from the face. With tweezers or thread, the hair can be pulled from the root, but this technique can cause infections and skin wounds. The smooth skin is maintained for two weeks to a month, depending on the location of the hair, its quantity and thickness.


In most pharmacy chains and pharmacies, you can purchase wax and strips, or strips with ready-made wax, for home use. After heating the wax, apply it to the intended area and remove using the strips. Although the method involves pain, it leaves the part for two weeks to a month.

Hair removal machines

Today there is a large selection of electrical devices for hair removal, including the old generation of spiral spring devices that tear the hair, and new generation devices based on disks that are pressed against the hair. The results are the same as waxing in terms of how long the skin stays smooth, but these devices are usually less painful.

Therapeutic creams

These are preparations given by a doctor’s prescription to delay the growth of facial hair. There are creams that have been clinically proven to be effective in reducing the frequency of hair removal treatments, and are safe to use and suitable for different hair tones. Since the ingredients of the cream prevent the process of cell proliferation in the hair follicle, the cream even supports other hair removal treatments and enables a smooth face for a longer time.

home appliances

Here, too, you should know that all treatments weaken the hair follicle, but do not give a permanent option. There are areas that respond faster because of the anatomical depth of the hair, and not because of the device. Both men and women should be more careful in the facial area. In such treatment, heat sources such as sun, microwaves and perfume should be avoided to prevent inflammation.


The method is suitable for those with thick and dark hair and fair skin, and is not suitable for those suffering from diseases that impair the skin’s ability to heal, such as diabetes, as well as for women who intend to conceive or breastfeed. This is a light beam inserted into the pigment in the hair follicle and inhibits its growth. The average number of treatments needed is between 10 and 15, depending on the type of hair and its location.

In conclusion, no matter which hair removal method you choose, it is very important to be careful of exposure to the sun all year round, not just in the summer. It is better to carry out the treatments before the arrival of summer, because then exposure can be better avoided. In any case, tanned skin must not be treated, because you risk burns and stains.

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