Hebrew News – Pressure works: A formal request has been made to reconsider the sentence of the young man who received 110 years in prison

by time news

The pressure works: A formal request has been made to reconsider the sentence of the young man who received 110 years in prison

After millions of people signed the petition, a Colorado prosecutor filed a motion in court to hold a new hearing on the sentence handed down to a truck driver who caused a chain accident due to a brake failure

A Colorado prosecutor is asking the court to reconsider the 110-year sentence behind bars, which was recently imposed on a truck driver who killed four people and injured others, after causing a chain accident. The petition was filed after a protest by a community of leaders and a petition signed by over four million people.

Rogel Aguilera-Madros

District Attorney Alexis King filed a motion in court Tuesday to schedule a sentencing hearing against Rogel Aguilera-Madros. “Because the Colorado Act required the imposition of the sentence in this case, the law also allows the court to reconsider its sentence in an exceptional case involving exceptional circumstances. This would allow the conditions for changing the defendant’s sentence to be met,” it read.

“The purpose of the request is to give the victims in the case, as well as their families, a chance to be heard by the court which is fully aware of the facts of the case.

Many criticized the harsh sentence, and even Colorado District Court Judge A. Bruce Jones disagreed with his decision – but said he was bound by state laws guiding him to impose such a sentence.

The verdict provoked astonishment and outrage from the public, and a petition published on the Change.org website seeking to mitigate the young driver’s sentence, garnered more than 4.5 million signatures. “The accident was unintentional, and there was no criminal act on the part of the driver. He has nothing in his driving records or criminal record. He complied with every single request of the court and investigators. He passed all drug and alcohol tests, including a chemical test,” the petition read. .

The scene of the accident (Photo: From Twitter)

King’s move came days after 26-year-old Cuban immigrant Aguilera-Madros received his unusual sentence following an accident that occurred in 2019 on the highway near Denver. Investigators said he lost control of his truck following a brake failure.

He was traveling at a speed of about 130 km / h before colliding with dozens of cars following a previous accident, which caused some of them to explode. Prosecutors claimed the young man could have used other ways to stop. Another truck was parked there.

As mentioned, four people, in the age range of 24 to 69, were killed in the accident, which resulted in the destruction of 28 other vehicles. Aguilera-Madros was convicted of murder in an accident and 23 other charges. In court, he burst into tears and said, “I’m not a criminal. I’m not a killer. When I look at the charges against me, we’re talking about a killer, who is not me. I never thought of hurting anyone.”

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