Hebrew News – Returns fire: Jennifer Aniston is asked again about children and loses it

by time news

Returns fire: Jennifer Aniston is asked about children again and loses it

The beloved actress and star of “Friends” was asked again about children and this time she could not maintain restraint. “Asking about children is just disgusting, you have no idea what’s going on in my personal life,” Aniston replied during an interview.

Even though she is in her fifties, it seems that actress Jennifer Aniston still manages to be one of the most beloved and well-publicized actresses in the world. Recently, the actress came to a personal interview, where she talked about the attitude of the media towards her over the years, single life, and among other things about her dealing with questions from fans about children.

‘People think they know me, they throw a lot at me, and every day there are new rumors about my personal life, relationships, family, and children. I used to take it all personally, get hurt and offended. Reactions like “she prefers a career to children” would hurt me a lot. “Nobody knows what’s going on in my personal life, what my medical condition is,” said Aniston.

She added: ‘Nobody asked themselves why I could not have children? Maybe this is a sensitive and problematic situation? It was very offensive and disgusting, “she concluded. In addition, Aniston addressed the inequality between men and women in society and said that men can marry as many times as they want, with young girls, but this is not the case with women either.

‘I only now realize I still have it. I’m just at the beginning of my career. “I had to work over the years with a lot of barriers, self-doubt, insecurity, and today I can say that I am proud of myself and where I have come to,” she concluded.

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