Hebrew News – Russia claims US submarine has invaded its territorial waters – US has denied

by time news

Russia has claimed that an American submarine has invaded its territorial waters – the US has denied

According to the Kremlin, the Russian navy expelled the American vessel after the latter ignored the warnings. The Pentagon denied but said: “We do fly, sail and operate safely in international waters”

The United States has denied allegations coming from Moscow that an American submarine had carried out operations in Russia’s territorial waters, thereby violating international law while tensions are at their peak in the face of a possible invasion of Ukraine.

(Photo: AP)

“There is no truth in the Russian claims about our actions in their territorial waters,” said U.S. Navy Captain Kyle Raines, a spokesman for the U.S. Army’s Indo-Pacific Command, as reported by Reuters. “I will not comment on the exact location of our submarine, but we do fly, sail and operate safely in international waters.”

The government of Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that on Saturday morning, the US submarine ignored orders from the Russian navy using a sonar device, near the Koril Islands in the ocean quietly. Eventually, according to the Kremlin, the Russian force was forced to expel the submarine using “inappropriate measures,” which were not specified.

However, according to reports, Russia expelled the submarine by a ship of its army. Raines said in response that there was no interaction between a Russian ship and an American submarine.

The Russian Defense Ministry said: “In connection with the Russian Federation’s violation of the border by the US Navy, the Defense Attaché at the United States Embassy in Moscow was summoned to the Russian Defense Ministry.”

According to the Reuters report, the U.S. military often monitors military exercises of other countries without entering their territorial waters.

Reports of a clash between American and Russian forces come amid record tensions following a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, which could occur “at any moment.”

Media outlets reported on Saturday that US President Joe Biden had spoken by telephone with leaders in the West, telling them that his Russian counterpart could launch an attack on Ukraine as early as February 16.

U.S. officials confirmed the information to Politico, saying Washington had informed its allies that before the invasion a barrage of missiles and cyber attacks on Ukraine was expected. According to various sources, the various leaders have expressed concern over the cyber attacks that will take place “soon”, while others said the intelligence reports are “specific and worrying”.

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