Hebrew News – Shanan Doherty, who is dealing with cancer, updates: “I feel great”

by time news

Shanan Doherty, who is dealing with cancer, updates: “I feel great”

The actress and star of “Bewitched” answers the question that most intrigues her fans – how she deals with the disease and how she feels. Now, she decided to put an end to the rumors, and respond officially

Shannon Doherty, the star of “Beverly Hills 90210” and “Bewitched” participated along with the other stars of the series in a panel held on Saturday evening in Connecticut. During the panel, Doherty answered the question that probably interests everyone the most about her these days – how she feels.

As is known, Doherty was diagnosed in 2015 with breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes and in 2017 it was learned that the disease is in remission. But three years ago, the actress announced that she had fallen ill again and that her cancer was in an advanced state. When one of the fans asked how she was, Doherty replied with a smile: “I feel great, thanks for asking, the crowd here is amazing.”

The fact that she took part in the conference does indicate that the star’s condition is good enough, while on the other hand, it is likely that she also needs money these days (which she is known to receive for her participation in the panel). Also, beyond dealing with the disease, she is also fighting legally with the American Players Association on the grounds that she and other players in her condition do not receive financial support from the union.

As I recall, the star recently turned to the organization and wrote in a poignant post: “I am curious to know how people like me, who have worked since the age of 10 and paid commissions, a situation happens where when we are unable to work for health reasons – our union abandons us. This is wrong.” Doherty’s post received more than 170,000 likes and thousands of supportive comments, including from other celebrities.

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