Hebrew News – Steam rooms and saunas: how they affect your body

by time news

During the winter season, spending time in the sauna becomes especially popular and requested, due to many benefits such as strengthening the immune system, releasing congestion in the nose, and more. We have compiled for you some key advantages alongside some warning lights that are important to know

The winter weather brings a particularly high demand for saunas and steam rooms, which on the one hand keep the cold away and on the other hand strengthen the immune system. Therefore, this is exactly an opportunity to understand what exactly they do to our body and what is important to be careful of.

Let’s start with the differences: saunas and steam rooms

Saunas use dry heat from hot rocks or a stove, while steam rooms are heated with steam from boiling water.

Saunas are excellent for relaxing and relieving tense muscles. Steam rooms have additional effects on moisturizing the skin, relieving congestion and reducing muscle pain.

The temperature in a steam room may range from 100 to 120 degrees, but it may feel more because of the high humidity. In the sauna the degrees will usually range between 180 and 200.

The recommendation is to stay in a steam room for about 15 minutes maximum. It is recommended to spend a maximum of 20 minutes in the sauna.

Dry saunas induce sweating and steam rooms reduce sweating. We can feel as if we are sweating but the drops on the body in a steam room are mostly water formed from the humid air.

The benefits of a steam room

There are studies that claim that a steam room has a faster and stronger effect on the body compared to a sauna. One of the main benefits of steam rooms is the relief of congestion in the upper respiratory tract. The combination of steam inhalation, usually mixed with eucalyptus oil, increases the dilation of blood vessels in the sinuses and allows the existing nasal passages to clear. Also, research from the past year has shown that steam rooms can also help reduce muscle pain and help maintain muscle mass.

The benefits of a sauna

Regular spending time in the sauna can improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, lower the risk of stroke and strengthen the immune system. There are also studies that claim that bathing in a sauna may even help relieve lower back pain, symptoms of depression and reduce the risk of dementia. The tremendous heat of the sauna expands the blood vessels, which improves blood flow to the muscles, joints and organs, and optimizes the functioning of all systems.

In conclusion, these are the risks that are important to know

Going too quickly between the heat of a sauna and cold water in a swimming pool is not recommended, as it may raise blood pressure. In addition, sauna use can cause a drop in blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure as well as people who have recently had a heart attack should check with their doctor to make sure that sauna use is safe for them.

In addition, dehydration is a serious risk and can result from losing fluids while sweating. The increased temperatures in the sauna can also lead to dizziness and nausea in some people.

A few more important reminders for safe use:

Avoid alcohol and drugs that can damage sweating and cause overheating before and after the sauna.

Stay in the sauna for no more than 15-20 minutes.

Drink two to four glasses of cool water afterwards.

Do not take a sauna when you are sick, and if you feel unwell during the sauna, leave immediately.

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