Hebrew News – The war in Ukraine may last at least four more years

by time news

The war in Ukraine may last at least four more years

A former commander in the Russian army made a rather pessimistic forecast, saying that in his opinion the bloody conflict will only come to an end in 2027 or even 2030

A former senior official in the Russian army, Andrey Goruliov, predicted that the war between Russia and Ukraine may last at least until 2027, and possibly even longer.

(Photo: Getty Images)

The segment where Goruliov says these things was posted on Twitter on Sunday with English subtitles, by Anton Gershchenko – an adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister. In the video, the former commander was asked what weapons Russia should use in its fight against Ukraine, and when to switch to more advanced ones.

“First of all, you have to bite your lips and win with what you have at the time, and do what needs to be done. That’s all. Don’t wait for the end of the war – don’t wait for anything. The end of the war may take time, I predict it will be in 2030-2027, Not sooner,” Goruliov said.

Although there was talk of the beginning of negotiations between Moscow and Kiev, there is no horizon for the end of the bloody war, which began almost a year ago. Further to Goruliov’s words, other experts said that the Kremlin is preparing the country’s citizens for what could be a years-long conflict.

Sociologist Grigory Yudin told the French news agency (AFP) on Sunday that Moscow is preparing Russians for a “great existential war,” even as the country’s education system is mobilizing to achieve that goal.

“We are talking about a radical and complete change of the education system, in order to recruit young Russians for the war. Currently, education has two roles – propaganda and basic military training,” Yudin said.

Earlier this month, Gorolyov rejected Ukraine’s sovereignty and said the country belonged to Russia: “We must close the issue of Ukraine once and for all,” saying that its occupation was “the most important thing to achieve today.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also recently said that it seems that the Russian leader really does not plan to end the war soon: “We see no sign that President Putin is preparing for peace… What we see is that he still wants to rule Ukraine. You see how he Sending soldiers and more weapons.”

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