Hebrew News – “Trump wanted to fire Kushner before the 2020 election”

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New book reveals: “Trump wanted to fire Kushner before the 2020 election”

The president did not make the move directly because he was afraid of the family’s reaction, and in the process ordered another person to make the move – while Kushner refused to go – he ultimately remained in his position

Trump’s former top aide, Peter Navarro, claims in a new book that the former president agreed to fire Jared Kushner before the 2020 election and replace him with Steve Bannon.

In his book “Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the White House and How We’ll Take It Back,” Navarro cited an entry in his diary dated June 25, 2020, which said: “Bannon and donors want Kushner and Brad Parscale [מנהל הקמפיין] Outside the door

“Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle feel the same way. This could be really interesting. This could also be our last chance to win,” Navarro wrote.

Navarro then arranged a meeting with Trump and donors in an attempt to find out how to get rid of Kushner – during the meeting Trump “agreed that Jared should be replaced with Steve”.

The plan never happened because, according to Navarro, Trump couldn’t bring himself to fire Kushner because he feared “family trouble if he himself had to deliver the bad news to the father of his grandchildren”—instead, he asked a major donor, Bernie Marcus, to deliver the The news for Jared.

When Marcus made the dramatic call, Kushner actually told him, “Things are fine with the campaign, there’s no way I’m quitting, and in fact, Bernie Marcus and the big bags of money can go into the sand,” says Navarro.

“The rest is a catastrophic strategic failure,” Navarro summarizes the political drama that was hidden from the eyes of the American public.

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