Hebrew News – Want to live cheaply? is the global inflation map

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Want to live cheaply? is the global inflation map

The increase in prices is not the domain of Western countries, and in the meantime it seems that those who seek to save will find themselves in particularly exotic destinations

Investors are preparing for continued inflation and in the meantime the Federal Reserve indicated that a more restrictive monetary policy is on the table amid strong employment gains.

In Europe, although inflation has decreased, it is still well above the 2% target, and throughout the Eurozone, inflation is estimated to be around 8.5% in January.

At the same time, as Dorothy Neufeld and Sam Parker of Visual Capitalist detail below, there is Some countries managed to curb inflation.

Slow growth + cheap import costs + and foreign exchange policy are some of the factors that kept inflation under control in these countries.

Thus, in the face of price pressures shaking the global markets, the infographic below maps the global inflation rates for you using data from Trading Economics.

The data (accompanying the table below) focuses on the countries with the lowest inflation levels.

The lowest inflation rates in the world

Many of the world’s lowest inflation rates are located in Asia, including Macau, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

In this region, widespread shutdowns have limited growth and consumer spending, reducing inflationary pressures.

Last year, Chinese consumers saved $2.2 trillion in bank deposits during the restrictions lifted earlier this year.

The low inflation in the region was influenced by several other factors.

Earlier during the epidemic, Asian countries including China were less affected by the increase in food prices, service inflation and disruptions in the supply chain, this is in contrast to what is seen in North America and Europe.

But now that China has reopened, some signs of inflation are starting to emerge as food prices rose 4.8% in December, and hotel prices also rose.

rankCountry / RegionInflation rate, year to yearTamar
1South Sudan-11.6%Dec 2022
2Macau0.8%Nov 2022
3China1.8%Dec 2022
4Hong Kong SAR1.8%Nov 2022
5Oman2.1%Nov 2022
6Panama2.1%Dec 2022
7Seychelles2.5%Dec 2022
8Vanuatu2.7%March 2022
9Taiwan2.7%Dec 2022
10Switzerland2.8%Dec 2022
11Liechtenstein2.8%Dec 2022
12building2.8%Dec 2022
13Maldives2.8%Nov 2022
14Niger3.1%Dec 2022
15Brunei3.1%Nov 2022
16Bolivia3.2%Nov 2022
17Kuwait3.2%Nov 2022
18Saudi Arabia3.3%Dec 2022
19Cambodia3.6%Oct 2022
20Fiji3.6%Dec 2022
21Ecuador3.7%Dec 2022
22Japan3.8%Nov 2022
23Libya3.8%Nov 2022
24Bermuda3.8%Oct 2022
25Bahrain3.9%Nov 2022
26Malaysia4.0%Nov 2022
27The Palestinian Authority4.1%Dec 2022
28Iraq4.2%Nov 2022
29Jordan4.4%Dec 2022
30Tajikistan4.5%Nov 2022
31Vietnam4.6%Dec 2022
32Bhutan4.6%Nov 2022
33Tanzania4.8%Dec 2022
34New Caledonia4.9%Dec 2022
35South Korea5.0%Dec 2022
36Israel5.3%Dec 2022
37Luxembourg5.4%Dec 2022
38Swaziland5.5%Oct 2022
39Indonesian5.5%Dec 2022
40Gabon5.7%Oct 2022
41Ivory Coast5.7%Nov 2022
42Spain5.7%Dec 2022
43India5.7%Dec 2022
44Brazil5.8%Dec 2022
45Thailand5.9%Dec 2022
46France5.9%Dec 2022
47Norway5.9%Dec 2022
48Qatar5.9%Dec 2022
49Djibouti6.1%September 2022
50Somalia6.1%Dec 2022
51Trinidad and Tobago6.2%September 2022
52Papua New Guinea6.3%September 2022
53Puerto Rico6.3%Nov 2022
54Canada6.3%Dec 2022
55Bahamas6.5%September 22
56Belize6.5%Nov 2022
57U.S6.5%Dec 2022
58chimney6.6%Nov 2022
59Singapore6.7%Nov 2022
60East Timor6.7%Nov 2022
61United Arab Emirates6.8%June 2022
62Namibia6.9%Dec 2022
63Guyana6.9%Nov 2022
64New Zealand7.2%September 2022
65South Africa7.2%Dec 2022
66Greece7.2%Dec 2022
67Liberia7.2%September 2022
68Australia7.3%September 2022
69Malta7.3%Dec 2022
70El Salvador7.3%Dec 2022
71Albania7.4%Dec 2022
72Cape Verde7.6%Dec 2022
73vault7.7%September 2022
74Central African Republic7.7%Nov 2022
75Togo7.7%Dec 2022
76Mexico7.8%Dec 2022
77Dominican Republic7.8%Dec 2022
78Costa Rica7.9%Dec 2022
79Cyprus7.9%Dec 2022
80Mali8.0%Nov 2022
81Nepal8.1%Nov 2022
82The Philippines8.1%Dec 2022
83Paraguayan8.1%Dec 2022
84Barbados8.2%Oct 2022
85Ireland8.2%Dec 2022
86Uruguay8.3%Dec 2022
87Morocco8.3%Nov 2022
88Armenia8.3%Dec 2022
89Peru8.5%Dec 2022
90Lesotho8.5%Oct 2022
91Algeria8.6%Nov 2022
92Germany8.6%Dec 2022
93Denmark8.7%Dec 2022
94Bangladesh8.7%Dec 2022
95Faroe Islands8.8%September 2022
96Finland9.1%Dec 2022
97buy9.1%Dec 2022
98Cayman Islands9.2%September 2022
99Guatemala9.2%Dec 2022
100Guinea Bissau9.4%Nov 2022

*Inflation rates are based on the latest available data

In the world, one exception is South Sudan.

The political instability and violence suppressed growth and inflation, which in December stood at‏11.6%- Against the background of dealing with a severe humanitarian crisis, this country has the lowest inflation rate in the world.

Oil producer Oman also saw low inflation, of about 2.1%, one of the reasons for this being that the Omani riyal is tied to the US dollar, which keeps the currency anchored.

By the way, it is interesting to note that inflation has remained moderate in Oman throughout the last decade

The country with the lowest inflation, by region

In Europe, the inflation rate in Switzerland is the lowest‏2.8%,‏Or about a third of that existing in the euro area.

This is also the lowest rate in the entire OECD – the Swiss franc, the country’s strong currency, protected the mountain country from inflationary pressures and high import prices.

Meanwhile, producer prices in Switzerland rose marginally above inflation by about 4.1% per year in mid-2022.

Last year, by the way, the Swiss central bank raised the interest rate for the first time since 2007 from 0.75% to 0.25%, and this after 20 years of deflation.

And what about Central-South America for all the travelers among us?

Panama has the lowest rate in all of Latin America. The dollarization of the Panamanian balboa helped suppress price pressures.

In July, the government adjusted the price of 72 items to prevent the cost of living from rising, and this at the end of three weeks of protests, when inflation even reached 5.2% during 2022.

With the lowest inflation in Asia, Macau is seeing a booming tourism industry after the harsh lockdowns.

Looking ahead

The International Monetary Fund estimates thatto 84%Of the world’s countries, in 2023 inflation will be lower than last year (this despite estimates that a third of the world will enter a recession).

Until 2024, inflation is expected to remain above pre-pandemic levels and stand at around 4.1%.

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