Hebrew News – Write it down: this is how you will get the most out of your body in the field of fitness and nutrition

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Write it down in front of you: this is how you will get the most out of your body in the field of fitness and nutrition

In the last year, more and more people are returning to the gym and training, this alongside ensuring a balanced and correct diet, but even when returning to the track, it is important to remember that in order to maximize the process and achieve the best results, a few simple steps are necessary. The full list is in front of you

At any age it is important to build muscle mass and maintain it, when from the fourth decade of life a natural process begins to occur that causes the muscle tissue to thin out. Therefore, it is important to increase the consumption of proteins in the menu. In other words, if you exercise on a weekly basis, but do not follow a balanced and protein-rich diet, you will most likely not achieve an optimal result.

The recommended amount today is 1.2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, this of course depends on data such as age, health status, gender and more. We have compiled for you 7 effective and especially important tips that will help you get the best out of your physical activity and diet, as you age.

Build a custom training bar

For many years, the popular opinion says that the reason for muscle cramps during or after physical training originates from a lack of minerals, especially magnesium. This is why many exercisers take magnesium as a supplement. But new studies have revealed that there is no connection between the two, and that the reason for this is damage to the function of the nervous system responsible for muscle contraction, which causes an involuntary spasm. Therefore it is advisable to adopt a personalized training bar.

Even for the busiest: set aside a quarter of an hour a day, twice a week, for strength training

Strength training, even if done for short periods of time, has a beneficial effect on health. Such as reducing diabetes, balancing blood pressure, improving immune system function and much more. Sometimes even more than prolonged aerobic activity. In addition, these trainings contribute to a significant increase in muscle mass, a fact that has a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels and a good ability to recover from illnesses and surgeries.

Dreaming of cubes in your stomach? It’s time to lose fat

The way to cubes in the stomach must include two things. One, strength training and the other, personalized nutrition. The purpose of strength training is to preserve muscle tissue, this is due to the fact that a quarter of the total weight loss without strength training will be from muscle tissue. In addition, in order to reduce fat and to preserve muscle tissue, it is very important to contact a professional in order to adjust a customized menu according to the metabolism, eating habits, personal preferences, blood tests and weighing the weekly physical activity.

Have you reached your target weight? Maintain a steady exercise program

Studies show that 83% of all people who lose weight following a diet will gain the pounds back about a year after the end of the loss. One of the most effective ways to maintain weight after a diet is to perform physical training equal to an energy expenditure of 2,500 calories per week – equivalent to walking about six kilometers. In addition, the energy expenditure contributes to improved motivation, a positive body image and even allows for a slight deviation on the weekends.

Synchronize the training time to your biological clock

Our body has an internal clock that dictates the daily rhythm of the different body systems and actually controls the cycles of the different body systems. Recent studies have shown that every activity we perform has an optimal time in which the body’s systems will allow us to achieve optimal results. For example, if your goal is to speed up the breakdown of fat, it is advisable to do the aerobic activity in the morning. On the other hand, if your goal is to build muscle, it is recommended to perform the activity in the afternoon until the early evening.

After training, be sure to eat a meal based on two iron rules

1. The composition of the meal: try to combine in your meal high-quality proteins such as eggs, yogurt, cheese, tuna or legumes, combined with grains and with the addition of vegetables.

2. QAnd from healthy: when you consume a lot of protein that is absorbed immediately, the body has no way to convert it into immediate construction. Therefore, a small addition of fat from a healthy source (olive oil, avocado) will lower the absorption rate of the protein and compare it to the building rate.

Include anti-inflammatory foods in the menu

The inflammatory process that develops after training is actually a natural phenomenon. In order to shorten the inflammation process and speed up muscle recovery, it is recommended to include in the daily menu foods that contain anti-inflammatory components, including:

Curcumin – the active substance in the plant was found to be an enzyme inhibitor that encourages inflammatory processes. Please note, it is recommended to consume it as a natural spice in food.

Omega 3 – an anti-inflammatory fatty acid, which can be found in various fish, including salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, avocado, flax, chia seeds, pineapple and papaya.

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