Hebrew News – You will be surprised to find out how many health benefits are found in this familiar and beloved spice

by time news

You will be surprised to find out how many health benefits are found in this familiar and beloved spice

The basil is not only a great addition to stews, pastas, salads and more, but also a medicinal plant for everything that includes surprising benefits that can help health and prevent various diseases. Here are all the details

It is known mainly for its unique taste, smell and aroma, but did you know that in addition to all this goodness, it also has many health benefits? Nutritionally, basil can provide vitamins, minerals and several other essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin K, and a variety of antioxidants. Here are some key benefits of the beloved spice.

Rich in antioxidants

Free radicals are unstable molecules produced in our body as a result of the process of metabolism and respiration. They have several essential roles in the body but they may cause less positive processes such as accelerating the aging process of cells and activating chemical chain reactions that can damage function. Antioxidants are compounds that help curb the harmful effects of free radicals and remove them from the body, and are so called because they protect molecules from a harmful chemical process known as oxidation. Antioxidants are produced naturally in our bodies and can also be found in a wide variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts.

Supports liver health

Antioxidants in the powder that consists of tulsi type basil, or holy basil that plays a role in traditional Indian medicine – had a positive effect on liver health.

fighting cancer

The phytochemicals in basil may help prevent certain types of skin, liver, mouth and lung cancer. Apparently they do this by increasing antioxidant activity, changing gene expression, causing cell death and slowing cell division.

Protects against skin aging

Basil has properties that may help protect the skin from certain effects of aging. For example, adding basil extracts to a skin cream may improve the skin’s moisture and reduce roughness and wrinkles. It is about certain doses of extracts, consuming basil as a spice will not necessarily benefit the skin, but the antioxidants in basil and other plant-based foods may affect the skin in general when consumed as part of a varied diet.

Reduces high blood sugar

Traditional medicine recommends basil to help manage blood sugar levels, while basil extracts may benefit people with diabetes.

Supports cardiovascular health

Basil can lower high blood pressure for a short time, probably thanks to the presence of the auginol that can block the formation of calcium in the body and lower high blood pressure.

Reduces inflammation and swelling

Oxidative stress is created as a result of increasing the production of oxidizing factors (free radicals), their attachment to proteins, tissues and DNA and causing damage at the attachment site. Oxidative stress can lead to inflammation, causing various diseases, including cancer, type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Various researchers have analyzed the The anti-inflammatory properties of two preparations of sweet basil essential oil The results showed that basil oil may help in the treatment of various diseases involving inflammation resulting from oxidative stress.

Fight infection

In traditional medicine, basil was used as an antimicrobial agent, today certain preparations of basil oil can help in the treatment or prevention of certain types of infection.

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