Heidegger’s journey at the center of Being in a book with the «Corriere» – time.news

by time news

An attempt to get out of the traditional perimeter of metaphysical thought to beat paths in which man is not reduced to a simple object. On newsstands with the daily «Segnavia», a collection of essays by the controversial German philosopher

The most famous word in Martin Heidegger’s rich philosophical vocabulary is To be there: «To be there». In one word there is a whole philosophy from which many lines of thought originated: existentialism, hermeneutics, structuralism, deconstructionism. But, beyond the formulas, is Heidegger’s thought a philosophical neo-avant-garde that strives to grasp and highlight the limits of Modernity? The title of his famous work Being and time it could also be interpreted not with the conjunction but with the verb: Being is time. Because Heidegger’s path in the history of philosophy and in the history of being is the attempt to get out of metaphysical thought, from Plato to Nietzsche, to enter a new path in which being, which is combined with nothingness, and being-there, which basically is man, are not reduced to objects as does instrumental thought. of Modernity. This path of Heidegger is very visible in the work that now, edited by Carlo Sini, the “Corriere della Sera” presents in the new series Filosofi del Novecento: Signpost.

Once Enrico Berti – the recently deceased scholar of Aristotle – observed that young people leave out the ancient philosophers and open the books of modern thinkers but are amazed because, marvel of wonders, ancient philosophers such as Heraclitus, Parmenides, are continually cited. Plato, Aristotle. The reader he will have in his hands Signpost will be able to have this experience directly because all of Heidegger’s thought is characterized by a continuous confrontation with Plato and Aristotle, but also with Kant and Hegel, that is, with the greatest philosophers of the Western tradition, in an attempt to make their thoughts say – how notes Paolo Beretta in his Guide to reading which opens the text – the unspoken that they carry inside or of illuminating that half of the moon which in every truth necessarily remains in shadow or veiled. A fairly obvious paradox arises: Heidegger, while trying to “escape” from metaphysics, constantly dialogues with the philosophers of the Trails interrupted – as the title of another collection of his essays says – placing “trail signs” so as not to get lost completely and find the way with the classic Ariadne’s thread. Signpostin fact, or waypoints, precisely means traces, signs, indications that – as Franco Volpi specified when introducing the text of the philosopher of the Black Forest – are placed along a path or a path to be useful to the traveler who, at his own risk, enters the woods and has need traces and signs and indications to recognize its path. In particular, Heidegger’s paths, whether interrupted or not, branch off from Being and timewhich dates back to 1927, and goes back over time for over thirty years (the first German edition of waypoints is from 1967): it is, therefore, of a book that has a particular importance in the development of Heidegger’s thought because it collects those lectures and those writings, like What is metaphysics? from 1929, Of the essence of the foundationagain from 1929, and Of the essence of truth of 1930 which in the eyes of scholars represent the “turning point” of the so-called “according to Heidegger” in which being is thought of as an “event” (occurrence).

In fact, at the center of Heidegger’s work, whether it is the “first” or the “second” Heidegger – admitted and not granted that this distinction really has a meaning – is The question of being and it is precisely with this title that the text that the philosopher wrote on the occasion of a volume in honor of Ernst Junger is reported in the text and which, in reality, is a comparison on nihilism with the writer of On the marble cliffs. As, moreover, the very question of being is in the famous Letter on humanism that’s in Signpost and which says: «… in thought, Being reaches language. Language is the home of Being. In his abode man lives. Thinkers and poets are the keepers of this dwelling ».

The oracular tone of Heidegger’s philosophical prose is both the cause of its charm and its ambiguity. But whoever knows how to put aside both one and the other will be rewarded because he will find himself in front of himself and will deal with the illusion typical of the modern age that makes man the master of being or of the world. while Heidegger invites us to be both more modest and more courageous by acknowledging that man is the shepherd of being. Hans-Georg Gadamer, recalling the teacher’s lectures, said that Heidegger first asked questions after questions and then dropped them and all students had the experience of “having thought before their eyes.” Perhaps, with a little patience, it is the same experience that you can have reading the essays of Signpost.

Third exit. Crucial texts of the twentieth century selected by Carlo Sini

Martin Heidegger’s book is out on newsstands on 13 March with the Corriere della Sera Signpost at the price of € 8.90 plus the cost of the newspaper. This is the third title in the “Filosofi del Novecento” series, edited by Carlo Sini. This series presents readers with a selection of works written by the most important thinkers of the twentieth century, which address some crucial issues in the development of modern thought. In all, the review includes 25 volumes (the first 20 in the graph on the right), out every week on Fridays. Each of them contains a reading guide signed by Paolo Beretta. Heidegger (1889-1976) is considered the most important exponent of existentialism. His main work of him, Being and time of 1927, is an authentic milestone in the philosophical path of the twentieth century. Recently the figure of the German thinker has been at the center of many discussions for the publication of his philosophical notebooks, the so-called Black notebooks. From the reading of those texts, as Donatella Di Cesare observed, it emerges that Heidegger’s adhesion to Nazism was not occasional, but must be framed within an intellectual setting in which the imprint of anti-Semitism is strong and persistent. The fourth volume of the series «Philosophers of the twentieth century» will be Vita activa by Hannah Arendt, out March 18. Followed by: Antonio Gramsci, Prison notebooks (vol. II, quad. 10-11, March 25); Karl R. Popper, Logic of scientific discovery (April 1); Michel Foucault, The archeology of knowledge (April 8); Simone Weil, About war. Written 1933-1943 (15 aprile); Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical research (April 22).

March 12, 2022 (change March 12, 2022 | 20:25)

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