Hello president!

by time news

2023-07-28 22:17:00

I have always complained that Guatemala (and the vast majority of countries in the Western Hemisphere) are too presidential. The government is made up of an infinity of dependencies, secretariats, directorates, departments, ministries and how many forms of organization can occur to them. However, all responsibility rests with the president.

Each “office”, which frames all the previous ones and the ones I needed, is supposed to have been created to fulfill some function. However, the president is to blame for the bad, and sometimes for the good. Be it economic problems, health, corruption, education, etc., irresponsibility falls on this central figure.

However, in the current crisis we are experiencing, the president has been the great absentee. Certainly, the problem is the responsibility of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and, as lifeguard or executioner, the Constitutional Court.

It turns out that, in the enormous organization chart of the Guatemalan government, the TSE stands alone, without depending on anyone and without anyone depending on it. It appears classified as a “political control body” along with the Human Rights Ombudsman. How are you? The CC also floats in the organization chart, classified as an “administrative legal control body”.

Being “islands”, it does not seem that there is an impediment for the president to rule on this mess. At the end of the day, no president has cared to speak out on any issue, until now. We are in the midst of a social, media, legal and ideological conflict. The absence of leadership is monumental. It would be “up” to the president to assume that role.

Yes there is something that falls directly on him. I am referring to the abusive, exaggerated and enormous foreign interference. The Chancellor, who reports directly to the president, has already spoken once. But, the lack of direction, leadership, credibility and firmness on the part of the president, has resulted in all those officials from international organizations not giving a damn and have gotten “even in the kitchen”, as we say in good chapín, in this second electoral round. On account of what?!

I would like to see how they would treat some Chapín ambassador getting into an opinion on an electoral process in another country. They would surely declare it non grata. Here, they even have the support of the media. They are also pronounced on social networks. From their countries they threaten us with economic sanctions.

The million dollar question is why do you care so much about Guatemala? It is very difficult to be able to say with certainty. Guatemala has remained an island in the middle of the red sea that is Latin America. We had saved ourselves from leftist governments, until now.

We are between mediocrity and radicalism, between local and foreign interests. Trapped in this fight without quarter, we are the good Guatemalans, who are the overwhelming majority and who only want to work, live in peace and in freedom.

Mr. President, assume your role as the leader of this great country, issue a strong and firm statement and stop all this madness.


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