Help Isa Get an Assistance Dog – Donate and Share Her Story!

by time news

2023-10-02 02:20:05
Young Woman with Disabilities Seeks Assistance Dog to Improve Quality of Life

Rotterdam, Netherlands – Isa, a 20-year-old woman with various disabilities, is reaching out to the community for support in obtaining an assistance dog. In a heartfelt plea, Isa explains that she requires the companionship and assistance an assistance dog can provide to continue living a fulfilling life.

Isa, who has been through extensive treatment over the past decade, has battled with autism, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), an eating disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These conditions have had a profound impact on her daily life, often leaving her feeling isolated and frightened.

“I am vulnerable. I want closeness, a hug, a warm arm around me. But be careful, I sting. I will push you away because I’m afraid. I don’t want to be alone. I can’t be alone,” shares Isa.

For years, Isa has been in and out of clinics, where she has received treatment for her conditions. Although each admission has provided some relief, her symptoms have always resurfaced, leaving her feeling hopeless. During her most recent admission, she was informed that there are no further treatment options available, and the next step would be sheltered housing. However, due to a long waiting list, Isa may soon find herself without the support she desperately needs.

In her pursuit of a better life, Isa has identified an assistance dog as a potential solution. With their keen senses and training, assistance dogs can offer support, alerting Isa to potential dangers and providing comfort during difficult moments. Additionally, an assistance dog can aid her in managing her sleeping patterns and offer assistance in daily activities such as shopping and using public transportation.

Unfortunately, the cost of obtaining a suitable assistance dog and providing the necessary training is substantial. Isa, being reliant on a Wajong benefit, is unable to afford these expenses on her own. So she is now turning to the public for help, requesting community support through sharing her message and making donations, no matter the size.

“Small or large donations, I am very happy with everything,” says Isa.

Isa’s hope is that with the support of the community, she can improve her quality of life and overcome the challenges she faces daily. She expresses her gratitude in advance and promises to keep the community informed about her progress.

To learn more about Isa’s journey or to make a donation towards her assistance dog fund, please visit her fundraising page [insert link].

Photo Credit: Marieke Struijk, marked by life in Rotterdam]
#service #dog #give #life #chance

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