helps reduce kidney stones

by time news

In recent years, scientists have been finding many healthy effects of coffee for our health. For example, it is believed that its consumption could help reduce the risk of suffering from some kinds of cancer or cardiovascular diseases.

a paradoxical effect

In addition to these properties, it seems that coffee could help reduce the formation of kidney stones, if we look at the latest available evidence. This is how the specialized health portal summarizes it Healthlinewhich includes a series of studies that point precisely in this direction.

Kidney stones are small product accumulations waste that have not been adequately eliminated through the urine, and therefore are formed in these pathways. They usually go away on their own (although the process can be excruciatingly painful), but in some cases medical or surgical intervention may even be necessary.

A priori, and taking into account the diuretic (urination stimulant) properties of coffee, it might be expected that its consumption would increase dehydration and, therefore, the risk of developing kidney stones. However, it appears that the most famous component of coffee (and many other widely consumed beverages), caffeine, reduces the risk of kidney stone formation.

How to avoid kidney stones

According to these studies, when consumption is habitual, the reduction can be very noticeable; as published by the National Kidney Foundation in 2021 research cited by healthline, just going from one cup of coffee a day to two could reduce risk by up to 40%.

On the other hand, a systematic review of previous scientific literature carried out in 2022 showed that scientific studies have consistently linked frequent coffee and tea consumption with fewer incidents of kidney stone formation.

A woman prepares a cup with ground coffee.

Even so, it is also worth taking into account other healthy habits that help prevent the formation of this annoying phenomenon. Specifically, taking into account that the main components of kidney stones are usually calcium and sodium, reduce the intake of these elements (present in high concentrations, for example, in meat) can have a beneficial effect. Similarly, drinking plenty of water helps eliminate these waste products, effectively reducing risk.


Makayla Lockett. Does Drinking Coffee Increase or Decrease Your Risk of Kidney Stones?. Healthline (2023). Viewed online at on 04/05/2023.

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