Hemodialysis service is upgraded at Hospital Isidro Ayora de Loja – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Loja, March 16, 2023

With an investment of USD 278 thousand dollars, the hemodialysis unit of the Isidro Ayora General Hospital in Loja has been upgraded. 60 patients from Zonal Coordination 7, which includes the provinces of El Oro, Loja and Zamora Chinchipe benefit from this service.

14 new machines, with state-of-the-art technology, have been acquired to replace the equipment that has reached the end of its useful life, thereby guaranteeing timely and quality care.

Magaly Abarca, head of the service, said that progress in health for this renal pathology has grown and this increases the chances of improving the quality of life of patients who suffer from it. “Having new equipment will allow us to provide better treatment and that this is the ideal for each user,” said Abarca.

During 2022, a total of 10,800 dialysis sessions were performed for permanent patients, while 300 corresponded to emergencies.

One of the beneficiaries is Adriana Gordillo, a communicator by profession, who pointed out that her kidney suffered damage for which she underwent a process of hospitalization and treatment. “Although it was difficult to face it, I had the support of the hospital and the Ministry of Health. Each dialysis session is a life opportunity.

Currently, the service has an automated water plant with the generation of ultra-pure water for dialysis treatment. Supplies such as puncture needles and hemodialysis filters have been purchased for one year of patient treatment.

The hemodialysis service has been in service for 20 years, it was opened with three machines and over the years it has undergone important transformations that have made it possible to strengthen the quality of care directed to the community in this area of ​​the country.


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