“Hemophilic pain is not taken for granted, prevent joint damage”

by time news

“It is assumed that the pain should be part of the life of haemophiliacs, but we can do something to change this: pain assessment and treatment they must represent the fundamental part of our work ”. He said it Gian Luigi Pasta, doctor and director of the Irccs Polyclinic San Matteo di Pavia foundation, speaking at the sixth online stage of the tour ‘We articulate‘, a campaign supported by Sobi with the patronage of FedEmo and created to promote joint well-being in people with haemophilia.

“Joint damage prevention education has been neglected in the past but it is fundamental, we are working on this”, underlined the expert. “The absence of pain is not always synonymous with the absence of the musculoskeletal problem – explained Pasta – there are also serious problems that are not accompanied by pain, such as joint synovitis in children “.

“The first step in prevention – he concluded – is to know and visit patients, especially at the musculoskeletal level, for highlight joint problems before it’s too late: priority must be given to prevention, through prophylaxis and adherence to drug therapy, but the best painkiller treatment can sometimes also be represented by surgery, which we must not be afraid of “.

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