Hemorrhagic stroke in young people, like the case of Arthur Singer, occurs in less than 3 out of every 100,000 people – News

by time news

The death of the former participant of the Sing With Me Teen 2yes Record TV, Arthur Singer, victim of a hemorrhagic stroke (stroke) at age 13, he drew attention due to the age of the singer.

According to the boy’s mother, Arthur was born with a malformation, which was only detected by doctors because of his death.

Contrary to what some people mistakenly spread on social media, there was no relation to the vaccine against Covid-19.

The study “Non-traumatic stroke in children”, published in the journal Principles of Neurological Surgeryin 2018, states that data on pediatric stroke are limited.

However, the estimated annual incidence of stroke has been reported to be between 1.2 and 13 per 100,000 children, ranging from 0.63 to 7.8 for ischemic stroke (where there is obstruction of blood flow) and 1.1 to 2.9 per 100,000 children for hemorrhagic stroke.

Thus, strokes in individuals up to 18 years of age would be considered extremely rare – especially hemorrhagic strokes.

Pediatrician Nelson Ejzenbaum, member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, says that about 25% of strokes in children are of unknown cause.

Neurologist José Fernandes Vilas explains that congenital malformations linked to the occurrence of stroke in young people (an episode defined by the Brazilian Society of AVC and the Brazilian Society of Neurology in people under 50 years of age) are commonly related to alterations in the anatomy of the arteries, which are rare. , which allows higher rates of thrombosis and cerebral aneurysms.

Neurosurgeon Guilherme Rossoni adds that, in these venous malformations, the blood vessel walls are usually fragile and, with the slightest stimuli, can rupture, causing hemorrhagic stroke.

Arthur Singer’s family did not confirm the diagnosis regarding the malformation.

It is still possible that there are other causes for stroke in children and adolescents, usually linked to less frequent genetic diseases such as Cadasil, Moyamoya and Fabri’s disease.

Ejzenbaum comments that, among children, some infections can also cause the problem.

Among them are varicella zoster infection (chickenpox), some cases of Covid-19, meningitis and encephalitis. Prematurity can also be a cause of stroke in newborns.

“CVA can occur at any age. However, the existence of these malformations, whether vascular [sejam] cardiac malformations that cause arrhythmias, favors the problem to happen earlier”, explains Vilas.

Vilas points out that the increase in the rates of sedentary lifestyle, obesity, diabetes and hypertension among young people, as well as pre-existing diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, some heart problems and stress, are some of the factors that expand the possibility of intercurrence.

Environmental factors, such as the use of illicit drugs, especially cocaine, and anabolic steroids can also facilitate the event.

Rossoni states that stroke symptoms in young people do not differ from those of more advanced ages.

Thus, the manifestations are: crooked mouth, loss of strength on one side of the body, difficulty in lifting the limbs, difficulty walking, loss of motor coordination, loss of balance, loss of vision, mental confusion and numbness.

“Some symptoms may be less common, such as severe headaches and fainting, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and are associated with hemorrhagic stroke”, clarifies the doctor.

The pediatrician comments that other signs may include apnea, motor difficulties, difficulty sucking and seizures in newborns.

As for older children, stroke can manifest with aphasia (difficulty communicating), movement difficulties, memory loss, behavioral changes and epilepsy.

Doctors say that, based on the signs, the patient should be referred to the emergency room urgently, in order to offer quick treatment and, thus, a better prognosis.

Treatments may vary, depending on the underlying cause and type of stroke that is occurring.

Measures to prevent strokes are the same as those for new episodes: control your diet, avoid fried foods and fats; control of diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension; moderate use of alcoholic beverages; avoid the use of licit and illicit drugs; and have a healthy lifestyle, with the practice of exercises.

If a causative underlying disease is detected, it is important to control and treat it.

Find out what are the signs of stroke, in which quick care is decisive:

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