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Exposing news here: Ukraine has asked Israel to mediate with Russia in ceasefire talks. Israeli and Ukrainian sources involved in the issue reported here that President Zlansky had suggested to Prime Minister Bennett that Jerusalem and Russia negotiate talks in Jerusalem, during a conversation between the two that took place today (Friday).

Euro-Asia’s deputy foreign minister, Gary Koren, commented on a news release here and said he could confirm there was a call, “Good call. I can confirm that we have passed messages in the past between Ukraine and Russia, these were requests from both the US and Ukraine.

Israel has tried to mediate tensions between Russia and Ukraine several times in recent years. Both former Prime Minister Netanyahu and current Prime Minister Bennett have tried to contact the relevant authorities and suggest that they help reduce tensions between the two countries. Zalanski’s previous request from Bennett was published by Barak Ravid in Walla Walla, after which the prime minister tried to propose it to Russian President Putin again while visiting Sochi.

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Now, at the height of the fighting and while his capital city is being attacked by Russian forces, Ukrainian President Zalansky has reiterated his request to bring Israel to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, in attempts to bring about a ceasefire. The source involved in the details of the conversation, which was carried out at Zalanski’s own request, added that this was the main purpose of the conversation, and only then did he intend to deal with matters related to humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

According to the source, even if there is a slim chance that this time the move will be successful, it is worth trying it and saving human lives. He added that such calls for attempts to calm the winds should be made in Jerusalem, and not in Minsk as proposed today. The Prime Minister’s Office said: “We do not address the details of the conversation.”

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