“Here everything seems more possible, but I would like to return to Italy at least for a while”

by time news

“I didn’t really choose to come and live here. I came for a trip, I was planning to stay only a few months. Then, instead, because of Covid I stayed,” Alberto tells SBS Italian.

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Alberto initially backpacked around the country, taking advantage of the months of lockdown to dedicate himself to farm work and exploration.

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He lived for a long time in Western Australia, but also in Melbourne, before arriving in Sydney and thinking, for the first time, of wanting to stay a little longer. “In Sydney I found a situation that I liked, new friends and so I decided to stay,” he says.

In Italy, Alberto had accumulated a decade of experience as a sound engineer and he understood that those skills would be useful to him and that, thanks to those skills, he could aim for a sponsorship.

Australia for dummies - Elvira Forte imageAlthough Alberto is not sure he wants to spend his entire life in Australia, he says he is very happy and grateful for the professional opportunities that have been offered to him down under.

“You get the feeling that everything is a little more possible here,” she says, “but once I get citizenship, I would like to go back to Italy at least for a while. I really miss the sense of community.”

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