“Here is the fate of the Italians”. Draghi presents the PNRR

by time news

Article being updated

Mario Draghi today he presented the PNRR in parliament after a long weekend of phone calls with Brussels and the tug-of-war of the government majority to include the 110% extension of the Superbonus in the Recovery plan until 2023.

We would all be wrong to think that the NRRR is just a set of projects, as necessary as they are ambitious, of numbers, objectives and deadlines. Put the lives of Italians into it, the expectations of those who have suffered from the pandemic, the aspiration of families, the right claims of those who do not have a job or those who have had to close their territories. The anxiety of disadvantaged territories, the awareness that the environment must be protected. In all the programs there is the destiny of the country, its credibility“, the prime minister made his debut. Mario Draghi made parliament feel the weight of this decision strongly:”AIt is clear that, in carrying out projects, delays, inefficiencies, short-sighted visions of part before the common good will weigh directly on our lives. Especially on those of the weakest citizens and on our children and grandchildren. And perhaps there will no longer be time to remedy it“.

Mario Draghi then explained that “the Plan has three main objectives. The first is to repair the damage caused by the pandemic that has affected us more than our European neighbors“. The Prime Minister is rattling off numbers.”We have reached the number of nearly 120,000 deaths from Covid-19“said the prime minister, who then added:”GDP fell by 8.9%, employment fell by 2.8% “, with the collapse of 11% of hours worked”.

It’s still: “Between 2005 and 2019, the number of people below the absolute poverty line rose from 3.3 to 7.7 per cent, and then increased to 9.4 per cent in 2020. Once again particularly affected they were women and young people and once again especially in the South“.

Il Recovery plan, “addresses some weaknesses that have plagued our economy and society for decades: persistent territorial gaps, gender disparities, weak productivity growth and low investment in human and physical capital“. Mario Draghi also underlines that”the resources of the Plan contribute to boosting a complete ecological transition“.

Mario Draghi used the words of Alcide de Gasperi during the presentation, quoting what his predecessor wrote in 1943: “It is true that the functioning of economic democracy requires disinterest, just as that of political democracy presupposes the virtue of character. The work of renewal will fail, if disinterested men do not arise in all categories, in all centers, ready to work hard and sacrifice themselves for the common good.“. The premier, therefore, added:”To us the burden and the honor of preparing the Italy of tomorrow in the best way“.

Before the intervention in the Chamber of the Prime Minister, the Brothers of Italy asked for the discussion to be postponed because the text would have arrived too late to be analyzed with care. “I believe that a parliament, in a parliamentary republic, has the right to be respected by the government“, declared Francesco Lollobrigida president of the deputies of Fdi, speaking in the Chamber.”Today the Italian Parliament is committed to discussing a text that ‘it has not been possible to deepen’ with the necessary attention that those who are paid by the people must have … I ask you to consider a postponement of today’s session. A phone call in Europe is not enough to have the endorsement of the destiny of our nation“, concluded the group leader.

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