Here is the report of the major decisions of this May 03, 2023

by time news

2023-05-03 14:35:24

Views: 153

Here are the major decisions taken in the Council of Ministers this Wednesday, May 03, 2023 by the government of President Patrice Talon.


●Adoption of the 2024-2026 Multiannual Budgetary and Economic Programming Document;

●Amendment of the statutes of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations du Benin;

– Composition and functioning of the Strategic Committee of the Supervisory Commission of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations du Benin;

●Approval of the amended statutes of the Beninese Agency for the Development of Tourism and appointment of the members of its Strategic Orientation Council;

●Responsibilities, composition and functioning of the Reform Commission for incurable infirmity of personnel of the Defense, Security and Assimilated Forces


– Approval of the intervention mechanism of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency;

– Organization of national meetings on population growth and development in Benin;

– Contracting for network relocation works as part of the construction project for the VÊDOKO crossroads interchange in Cotonou.



– At the Ministry of Secondary, Technical Education and Vocational Training

– To the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Promotion of Employment.

#report #major #decisions

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