here is who will receive it, are you concerned?

by time news

CHRISTMAS BONUS. The payment of the Christmas bonus begins this Wednesday, December 14. On the other hand, for new beneficiaries, it will be necessary to wait until January 2023.

[Mis à jour le 14 décembre 2022 à 14h51] The Christmas bonus is an exceptional lump-sum aid paid to people who receive certain social minima. Recipients of the active solidarity income (RSA), the lump sum bonus for resumption of activity, the specific solidarity allowance (ASS) or the pension equivalent allowance (AER) are concerned. The payment began this Wednesday, December 14, 2022 for beneficiaries who depend on Pôle Emploi (ARE or ASS for example). To receive it, you must be receiving compensation for the month of November or December 2022. The amount will appear in your bank account within an average of 3 to 5 working days. The payment is automatic, no action on your part is expected.

What about payments made by the family allowance fund (CAF) or the Mutuelle sociale agricole (MSA)? Here, the payment date is set at December 15, 2022. Persons receiving the AER or the RSA are, for example, concerned. The Christmas bonus is paid once per household. Please note, if you have been a beneficiary of one of these aids (RSA, ASS or AER) since December 2022, the payment of the Christmas bonus will take place from January 2023, because you are one of the new beneficiaries.

Note that the amount of the Christmas bonus varies according to the composition of your household. The amount is 152.45 euros for a single person in mainland France and the overseas departments, and 76.22 euros in Mayotte. For a couple with one child, it’s 274.41 euros. For a couple with three children, it rises to 381.12 euros. In total, more than 3.2 million households are concerned by the payment of the Christmas bonus for this 2022 edition. A non-negligible aid which can make it possible to finalize the purchase of the last gifts more serenely before the end of the holiday season. year.

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