Here’s what happened, I asked for a reunion and…

by times news cr

2024-09-05 09:51:36

BSFSH, which is recognized by FIDE, proposed the exclusion from the Board of the chairman of SC “Krakra Pernishki” Georgi Chernev, “who has made statements in his capacity as a member of the Management Board, which advance personal interests, incompatible with the interests and goals of BSFSH and an insinuation is being planted in society that BSFSH carries out actions to the detriment of Bulgarian chess and discredits BSFSH and its chairman in an unprecedented way and has carried out actions in a disrespectful attitude towards the activities and contribution of BSFSH to our return to the international chess scene as FIDE members and EHS”. Here is the answer of Chernev himself without editorial intervention: Was I provoked because I had promoted personal interests in chess? For me, as a person who has enough economic and organizational experience, right from the very beginning, which was on September 24, 2023, when a constituent assembly was held, which was prepared by a Commission with the support of FIDE, my light went on and I set myself some questions: Why does FIDE interfere in the internal affairs of the country? Doesn’t the country have a licensed chess federation and it’s called BFSh 2022? This assembly was not entered in the TR. A new constituent meeting appeared on October 3, 2023. According to documents, only three clubs participate in it? Why? Where did the federation clubs that participated on September 23 go? Then on October 3 appeared the so-called BSFSh. I will comment on how the Board of Directors was chosen and on other interesting issues later. Did FIDE violate its statutes by admitting BSFS as a member? Can anyone, outside the competent authorities, say who is a criminal and who is not? These are not random questions and as I said they made me very careful. I have always wanted the Board to have full financial and organizational transparency. From September to June, I repeatedly put questions in this light about the work of the Board, about the money that comes in from sponsors and goes out without a decision by the Board. The peak was when 150,000 BGN was added to this money for the Olympics, which were allocated by the SOS, without a Plan-Account being discussed beforehand in the Board of the Federation. This money will go to contestants’ fees, to breeders, to others and to other needs. During the time I was in the Board of Directors, I did not receive any levy fee, nor any levy for a business trip or money for the development of SC “Krakra Pernishki”. At the meeting of the Board of Directors on September 28 and in the letter before that, there is no accusation against me of personal interests.

Why did relations escalate? It’s not my fault. The chronology is as follows: From September to June 2024, I posted the topics and questions only and only inside the Board. I trusted that the Board of Directors would start working transparently both in finance and organizationally. All the time I was waiting for the license from BFSh 2022 to transfer to BSFSh. I held meetings and conversations with external experts on the topic of license. It became abundantly clear to me that BSFSh would never get a license. Why? It is very simply stated in the law that when a federation has a license, it cannot be taken away just like that. There must be serious violations in the activity of the federation. Are there any in the activities of BFSh 2022? I haven’t seen it. Second, even if the license is revoked, the federation can appeal it. Third, a procedure for a new license must be done and there is no guarantee that it will go to the BSFSH. Fourth, BSFSH membership is a violation by FIDE of its own statutes, not a guarantee of obtaining a license. During that time, several meetings were held between the two federations, without my participation, at the Minister of Sports. He said to them: Unite. Create contact groups for negotiations and unite. Do chess clubs want a merger? I’m sure they want to! This is where the second line begins. Those who take royalties from doing business in Switzerland have no vested interest in the Unification thing happening and all the time explain why there can’t be Unification. The explanation is that if the BFSH 2022 goes to the BSFSH, it will lose the national license, one year without funding, suspension of the republican tournaments, and the BSFSH claim that the FIDE membership will be lost. Other arguments can be added. The fact is that for a year BSFS did not receive any indication that it would receive a license. The fact is that the BFS 2022 has already received funding from the state and is holding its national tournaments. I was even on one of them. It was perfectly organized. The problem for the licensed clubs that are members of the licensed federation BFSH 2022 came from the fact that the BFSH literally forced them to write that the tournaments are supported by the BFSH? A prosecutor and a polygraph can confirm coercion. There was one brave enough to ask them exactly how BSFSH supported his club and BSFSH democratically expelled him. Such is the fate of the one who asks uncomfortable questions. As I said, until June I was asking myself the uncomfortable questions about financial transparency and decision-making, within the Board and in the Board Viber group. Not only was I not supported, but the chairman asked me the question several times – Who is asking you? He asked this question to another member of the Board, but he humbled himself and, as you can see, is silent now. And so I saw and now see the solution to the problems in chess in the complete financial and organizational transparency of the Board and in the Union. I informed members of the Board that due to a lack of understanding and adequate actions on these topics, I would seek personal contact with BFSh 2022. And that’s what I did. How did things unfold chronologically? On July 8, 2024, I went to the office of Prof. Veneta Petkova. We had a normal meeting and I found out that the door to negotiations for Unification was open from the side of BFSh 2022. The same day I posted information on my FB profile, along with a picture of the two of us in front of the chess board. The title was: Chess unites us. I wrote that we started something with an interesting continuation. Current struck some in BSFSh. A meeting with the “enemy”? Up to this point, and still, my club is the only active club that is not a member of BFSH 2022, i.e. I kept loyalty to BSFSH. That is another topic. I asked BSFSH to form a contact group for negotiations with BFS 2022. I saw myself in this group, that there would be a positive result. if I hadn’t insisted, they would have let her go. To my surprise, two of the members of the Board supported me, the others did not object, and it was decided that the talks would be held with Mr. Vasil Antonov, not with Veneta Petkova I had met and heard from Mr. Antonov, but I obeyed the decision. Another was tasked with organizing the meeting, and I reminded him from time to time to do this work. In the meantime, BFS 2022 came out with two public positions in which they gave their hand for Unification, but without any preconditions. Literally the same day, Gradev came out, in his style, aggressively and with insults, addressing the people of BFSh 2022.

Amazed, I asked in the SC group – Is this how we go to negotiations? No reaction. I had to go public with a Personal Position. This happened on August 11. The position is on my FB profile. I have not offended anyone. I spoke my mind on the important topics. In a flash, on August 12, I received a letter from BSFSh, with which they warned me that they would exclude my club and that I had to give a written explanation. I also uploaded my response to the BSFSH on FB and sent it to the clubs. On August 26, I received an invitation to an online meeting of the Board of Directors of BSFSh with an agenda in which, out of 4 points, 3 concerned me personally – Exclusion, Behavior as a member of the Board, Extraordinary General Meeting. Of course, there was not a single item on the agenda. This is not the first time. Materials are not sent for OS either. Protocols are not sent subsequently. So I calmly attended the online meeting of the Board of Directors. The session was recorded all the time by the BSFSH office. This is easily seen from the Webex platform. No one asked if it could be recorded? To me, this meeting is public, we are there as members of the Board, not at a private party. Of course I have nothing against the record. Many more topics can be touched on, but they are in one way or another present in the videos that are available and everyone can see for themselves how “democratically” the SC works. There will be more information on other interesting topics. The first video was released on September 3 The second on September 4. Appendix two of BSFSh 28 August 2024. How are new members accepted in Bulgarian chess? another mistake follows. There is also a process of awareness, there are also attempts to get on the right path, but for now the BSFSh management refuses to do it. They have reached out to BSFSh twice in the last two months, but as you will see for yourself in part Five, at this stage BSFS does not see, and at its last meeting, BSFS claims that it will ever get a license. We have been waiting for even the slightest indication of a license was seen on the horizon. There is no minister who will break the law. The BSFS will not get a license. The video is in five parts and each one is on the agenda. Each video poses topics for thought, if there is anyone to think about. The first topic is how new members are accepted – the answer is with irregular documents. 2. How are members “democratically” expelled? BSFSH Board of Directors Second part August 28, 2024 “Democracy” in BSFSH. Second part. How are members “democratically” expelled from BSFSH? Vassilev, with the help of the members of the Board of the BSFSh and Georgi Gradev, who is an “undisputed” expert in law, can exclude anyone. How does this happen? 1. You will not be invited to the Board because, according to Gradev, the procedure is over ( The Kurtenkov case). 2. Milen Vasilev will say that you did not answer in writing (Kurtenkov), and this turned out to be not true. 3. Gradev will quote the Law on non-profit entities deliberately! I have no right to attend the discussion about my exclusion and I was taken to the lobby of the Webex platform because according to Art. 28 of the law, I was able to prevent the making of a Decision. Sami read what is written in Article 28: “Art. 28. (1) Each member of the general assembly has the right to one vote. (2) A member of the general assembly does not have the right to vote when deciding on issues related to:1. him, his spouse or relatives by direct line – without restrictions, by silver line – up to the fourth degree, or by matchmaking – up to the second degree inclusive; 2. legal entities in which he is a manager or can impose or hinder the making of decisions”. Article 28 says that I do not have the right to vote, and they treated me like in a dictatorship by taking me out. Gradev and Milen deprived me of the pleasure to listen to the discussion and look into the eyes of the members of the Council. Even the “fascists” sentenced to death by the People’s Court on February 1, 1945 had access and were present in the hall?

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