Here’s what you want to know about nootropics

by time news

In the world of the wellness sometimes we can’t make our way through the endless launch of supplements. If you would like, you can take fourteen different pills every day ‘for health’. Some work as they should, but sometimes there is a bad apple somewhere. Now we have a new trend lurking within this pill pack: nootropics. With the rise in popularity of these types of supplements, we are again wondering if they are worth taking.

This is all you want to know about this potential ‘brain boosters’. Are these the real ones smart pills?

What are nootropics?

Nootropics are known as supplements that are supposed to be brain stimulating. Yes, you heard that right, apparently they really exist. The supplements are said to improve your focus, motivation and even cognitive performance. Sounds too good to be true. Yet a supplement does not just get the stamp ‘brain booster’ so we went to investigate.

Smart pills or not?

Even if the term sounds smart pill attractive, someone’s IQ is not suddenly higher by taking these supplements. The supplements are mainly intended to make you feel better about yourself, reduce stress and increase energy levels. This would make you cognitively sharper and therefore perhaps perform better – that doesn’t even sound that crazy.

Fairly popular supplements

We already know a few relatively popular supplements that belong to nootropics. Omega-3 supplements are perhaps one of the most commonly taken pills known as ‘brain enhancers‘. Creatine, melatonin and even caffeine are also part of the list.

Synthetic nootropics

We can distinguish nootropics in two categories: natural and synthetic. Synthetic nootropics are mainly prescription pills that help with a mental abnormality. Ritalin – the pill prescribed for ADHD – is an example of such a synthetic nootropic. Synthetic variants are not prescribed for nothing, because this type can also become dangerous for someone.

Natural nootropics

Fortunately, natural nootropics are accessible to ‘normal’ people and there are all kinds of variants that can help you in different ways. At NSMBL we have extensively discussed ashwagandha – a herb that can help against stress – with all the advantages and disadvantages included. The golden tip: if you always read carefully before you start taking a supplement, you will probably not be faced with any surprises.

Considered choices

There are so many variations of nootropics – too many to count, actually. So how can you navigate your way through the world of stress relievers and sleep aids? What we just said is reading in the key to succes. Always prepare yourself for the pros and cons of a supplement and make well-considered choices. Although something sounds like the solution to all your problems, a supplement can also cause a range of new problems.

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Nootropics are perhaps the “brain boosters” – here’s what you want to know about these supplements

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