Heritage: a year later, the mill of Valmy, symbol of the Republic, has still not found its wings

by time news

2023-05-05 11:29:20

A phoenix that always rises from its ashes. This is the whole story of the Valmy mill, an unforgettable symbol of the victory of the French revolutionary troops against the Prussian army which, in September 1792, precipitated the abolition of the monarchy and the advent of the First Republic. Dominating a hill a few kilometers from Sainte-Ménehould (Marne), this wooden monster dating from the 17th century has already been rebuilt three times, in particular after being blown away by the terrible storm of 1999.

On May 4, 2022, a new snub fell on this monument, which has become an Epinal image of the History of France. Within seconds, its four wings crash to the ground, without warning. A new twist of fate that echoes the trauma of 1999, when the storm blew the mill like a house of cards. “It aroused a lot of emotion last year but we don’t have the same resonance as in 1999. The entire mill did not collapse. It’s just the wings and we can’t count on joining a donation campaign, ”regrets Bertrand Courot, president of the community of communes of Argonne Champagne.

After the storm, the reconstruction had been financed, in large part, by donations received following a national subscription. This time, it is the community of municipalities that will have to put more of a hand in the wallet to finance the replacement of the wings and the faulty mechanism. Especially since the expertises finally revealed no anomaly on this building inaugurated on September 20, 2005, anniversary date of the French victory over the Prussians during the battle of Valmy.

“The experts considered that it was normal obsolescence, so we will not have any compensation. The central hub supported the very heavy load of the fenders and this part has apparently suffered from time. What is certain is that the new hub will be a metal part, ”confides the elected representative from Argon.

“The mill is always visible and accessible”

The architect firm chosen will soon announce the schedule for this vast project. The objective is to give the mill its wings again next spring, not before next year. For now, the cost of the work has not been disclosed but the range would vary between 80,000 and 350,000. The State, the Department and the Region could also subsidize the restoration of this historical monument of the territory.

In the meantime, even deprived of its wings, the mill of Valmy remains accessible to the general public as well as the interpretation center built below. “The attractiveness of the site is no longer based on the rotation of its wings, admits Bertrand Courot, but the mill is still visible and accessible during events. Despite everything, this monument remains the symbol of our entire territory in the Argon region.” The next guided tour is scheduled for Sunday May 21 on the occasion of the european mill days.

#Heritage #year #mill #Valmy #symbol #Republic #wings

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