Hermann Nitsch, «Bayreuth Walküre e Relitti 158.Aktion»

by time news

NoonOctober 17, 2022 – 4:25 pm

In Naples at the Hermann Nitsch Laboratory Archive Museum for Contemporary Arts from Saturday 22

The Hermann Nitsch Museum Archive Laboratory for Contemporary Arts of Naples, in collaboration with the Nitsch Museum of Mistelbach and the Nitsch Foundation and with the support of the Goethe-Institut Neapel, totally renews its exhibition for the two-year period 2022-2024 presenting the corpus of works: Hermann Nitsch – BAYREUTH WALKÜRE AND WRECKS 158.aktion. The exhibition will open on Saturday 22 October at 18.00 in Naples in vico Lungo in Pontecorvo offering the public an unprecedented dialogue between a wide selection of works from the malaktion walküre and the wrecks of the last action directed by the Austrian artist in Naples.

The first group of works presented for the rooms on the ground floor of the Museum come from the impressive pictorial action created by Hermann Nitsch as a scenic event for the concert of Richard Wagner’s “Walküre” at the Bayreuth Festival, in the summer of 2021.

“I would like to create a malaktion (pictorial action) with the colors of the entire spectrum of the rainbow, poured and spread, they will try to compete positively with the splendid colors of Wagner’s music. Painting processes must be like music. Sounds become colors. The artist makes himself manifest in the pictorial process. He feels the substance of colors. The liquid, the muddy, the pastiness of dense paint. He pours, splashes, dirties, soils the surface of the painting and mixes the substance of color ”wrote Hermann Nitsch (Vienna 1938-Mistelbach 2022) for the occasion. “Since my youth I have loved Wagner’s work. His goal was the total work of art, which is experienced through all the senses. He has always been my teacher ”.

“The total work of art proposed by Nitsch – writes Lorenzo Mango in an in-depth essay accompanying the exhibition – lives on the Wagnerian memory but goes beyond it. In the Theater of orgies and mysteries it is determined by experience, by contact with the vital in its most absolute and primeval form, by the sensorial datum, by the sensuality of the spectacular condition ”. In this sense, Nitsch does not limit himself to scenography the Valkyrie, but exercises, in the unfolding of the action, that process of intensification and expansion of the sensible experience that constitutes the foundation of the Orgin mysterien theater. Bayreuth’s experience will be conveyed through video projections, documentary and photographic material and a selection of drawings by the Maestro.

In dialogue with the large canvases, the wrecks and documents of the 158.aktion, the last driven by Nitsch, will be exhibited to the public for the first time.. Of this action, the Austrian Maestro recognized first of all the importance, for dynamism and intensity, of the composition “Sinfonia Napoli” – an integral part of the event, performed by the Scarlatti Orchestra under the direction of Andrea Cusumano – through which, in September 2020 , wanted to celebrate Giuseppe Morra and the city, on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of his Neapolitan Museum-Laboratory.

17 October 2022 | 16:25

© Time.News

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