Hervé Renard wants to “turn the page” and recalls the rebellious Wendie Renard

by time news

Hervé Renard. FRANCK FIFE / AFP

The new coach of Les Bleues unveiled his first list and answered the (many) questions from journalists.

On the reasons that led him to join the Blue

“I will be very frank. I have had a look at women’s football since 2014, looking at the major competitions, the French teams that have reigned over Europe like Olympique Lyonnais. I had already told those around me that I would like to compete with the French women’s team. There we are served. We have the World Cup this summer and the Olympic Games next year, which is more in our country. We have a quality group and all together we can do great things.


On when he got to work

“As soon as I considered the possibility of being chosen, I got to work. I dissected a lot of matches with my assistants. I looked at individual cases to get an idea of ​​the qualities and faults of the players. Afterwards, with our convictions, we tried to draw up a list.

His view on the latest events that have affected the France Women’s team

“It was very clear to me. I followed the news. Then, the FFF gave me a very large list of pre-selected players which included all the players. So I felt she gave me the green light to select whoever I wanted. Afterwards, what happened before, that doesn’t concern me. I focus on the present and the future. We can pay tribute to Corinne Deacon. Now it’s a page that turns. [Aux journalistes] As there are many of you today, I hope you will still be. I hope to contribute to the development of women’s football.”

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If his appointment is a revenge after his difficult experiences in France

“We will go back to the past. I did a year in N3, two in N2 and National, passages in Sochaux and Lille. I don’t go out anywhere. I did my training with the DTN and I have always been very proud to be French. Like every coach, I had ups and downs. I follow my path. I worked. Wherever I go, I try to give the best image possible. Either you love me or you don’t. The important thing is to move forward. The best part of a career is winning titles. Today we have a great opportunity to do so. We will not be the favorites but we will do everything to make it happen.

If he called Wendie Renard before making his list

“I especially called the injured, because you have to let them know that they are being considered. For those who will be present [dans la liste]they will not need telephone messages.”

If Wendie Renard will remain captain of the Blue

“I always have the habit of warning interested parties before the press. So I will first have a discussion with her to take the pulse of this team. I’m eager to. We have the qualities and drive to do well. We are motivated. We can achieve great things if we are united.”

On its expanded roster (26 players selected)

“For the World Cup, the list will be 23 and not 26 names. It’s good to be able to realize, to know the feeling. There will be places to win. It is not a closed list. I think she is well balanced: talent, youth and a lot more experience.”

On the return of Eugénie Le Sommer

“Without revealing big things: she has incomparable experience with eight Champions League. In Lyon, the competition is fierce at the center forward position but it is capable of evolving in other registers or becoming a luxury joker. We need his experience and intelligence in the game. As they say: welcome back

On Marie-Antoinette Katoko and Amandine Genry, injured and absent from the list

“Marie-Antoinette is an important player. I wish she could be with us at the World Cup. I will meet her in the next few days. I’ll tell her that I’m counting on her a lot. I called Amandine Henry. To find out how she was doing, her state of mind. She is on her way back. She is one of the players likely to be selected for the World Cup.

Sur Kheira Hamraoui

“I will give you a political answer [rires]. I was not there, I was in Saudi Arabia. No, I’m not running away. No, it is above all a sporting choice. Afterwards, when you make a group, you have to take into account a lot of parameters.

His game plan

“Speed ​​is an important element in modern football. A midfield with young players to bring dynamism. And be conquering, a fairly high pressing, constant pressure.

On the difference in management between male and female teams

“We don’t behave the same way with a female group as with a male group. I have four daughters at home, including the oldest who is 34 years old. We will have to create a united group. We are together. You have to go little bit by little bit, discover each of them.

On the objectives that have been set

“I think the objectives are clear: to be, at least, in the last four of the World Cup and the Olympics. And I was told: “if you have the opportunity to win, don’t deprive yourself of it”. That’s good, that’s what I came for! »

On the state of women’s football

“There is a lot of progress to be made in women’s football. On the realization of the matches in particular. Need more exposure. We need the media.”

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