Herzog attacks: “The proposed legal reform outline is wrong and predatory”

by time news

the president, Yitzhak Herzog, gave a special speech to the nation this evening (Thursday). At the beginning of his remarks, he addressed today’s protests: “The sights of this day are a nightmare for a country. I can no longer see our nation being torn apart before my eyes. What is happening here is a disaster. I work only for the citizens of Israel. I hear the cries that are directed at me: do everything to find a solution”

Herzog in a dramatic announcement: “We are closer than ever to an agreed outline of the legal reform”
One of the heads of the authorities on the emergency conference: “Herzog said ‘Don’t try me, I have other tools'”

Later, he referred to the talks for an agreed outline of the legal reform and said: “I will not give up, I will pay any price to find a solution, provided it happens now because we don’t have time. Everything to preserve Israeli society, to preserve Israeli democracy. Don’t trust anyone who speaks on my behalf. When there is a presidential outline, you will hear it only with my voice. I was able to bring about a situation where the gaps have narrowed greatly, there are agreements on most issues, the absolute majority. Certainly enough to abandon the proposed legislation now, and instead bring an agreed outline to the committee in the Knesset. There is an infrastructure here for a quick agreement, that the only beneficiaries are its citizens and Israel.”

“The outline that is being proposed now is predatory and wrong and undermines the democratic foundations, so it must be replaced immediately. A strong and solid judicial system is a supreme value. The preservation of human rights. And also, the diversity of the judicial system so that it is a home for all shades of the population is also a supreme value. This is a possible formula that is found At hand, on a small gap, even if it is substantial, we don’t destroy the house. In order to realize this formula, we need a politics that listens to the citizens, one that remembers that the people’s elected officials are public servants and not their own masters,” he added.

He also said that “we are at the point of no return, to choose by consensus and realize a founding constitutional moment that will move us forward years, or to degenerate into a constitutional and economic abyss. The opposition and the coalition must make a decision whether the State of Israel is above all, or whether the ego and the narrow interests will kick us off the cliff. The responsibility is in your hands If you choose to continue on the path you have followed so far, history will judge you right away.”

In response to the words, the head of the opposition said Yair Lapid: “The president’s speech clearly and clearly stated what the entire country knows: the government’s predatory and anti-democratic legislative outline must be passed from the world. The legislation must be stopped immediately and go to the president’s house for in-depth, serious and agreed-upon talks that will lead to the correction and improvement of the judicial system and the separation of powers.”

MK Benny Gantz He said: “I welcome the president’s efforts and his words – the time has come when all leaders must put Israel first. This is what I have done throughout my life and this is what I have done from my first political moment, and this is what I will continue to do. The meaning of putting Israel first is also not give up fundamental principles. There are sections that have a black flag raised above them – such as the desire to politicize the appointment of judges and gatekeepers. So that we can resolve this, I call on Netanyahu to show responsibility, stop the speeding legislative train, and send his representatives immediately to negotiations that will stop the deep rift tonight “.

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