Herzog on the LGBT storm: “It bothers me a lot”

by time news

Knitted news12/25/22 19:48 A. in Tevet Tishpag

Herzog on the storm of passion

President Herzog (Photo: Tomer Neuberg, Flash 90)

The LGBT storm: In a statement published this evening (Sunday), President Yitzhak Herzog addressed the uproar following the recent statements of the members of the designated coalition, including those of designated minister Orit Struck in favor of LGBT discrimination, and warned that “any violation of these fundamental values ​​is dangerous to our very lives and existence as a people and as a country.”

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In his announcement, Herzog said: “A situation in which citizens of Israel feel threatened because of their identity or faith undermines the basic democratic and moral values ​​of the State of Israel. The racist statements that have been heard in recent days against the LGBT community and in general against different sectors and publics – worry and disturb me a lot.”

(Photo: Roni Schutzer/Flash90)

Herzog added: “‘The State of Israel will maintain complete equality of social and political rights for all its citizens – regardless of religion, race, or gender,’ as stated in the Declaration of Independence, and we must all maintain this at all costs and without compromise. Any violation of these fundamental values ​​is dangerous to our very lives and existence as a people and as a country “.

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“I condemn any statement that is a basis for exclusion or any phenomenon that allows discrimination. I act and will act with all my might as the president of the country in order to prevent harm to different sections and populations of the public,” the president concluded.

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