Hezbollah’s Armed Tents in Israeli Enclave: Lebanese MP Comments on Developments

by time news

Title: Hezbollah MP Scolds Israel over Continued Presence of Tents in Israeli Enclave

Subtitle: Despite Israeli demands, Hezbollah refuses to withdraw its armed personnel from the tents in Mount Dov

Date: [Insert Date]

In a recent development, Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist organization, has continued to station armed men in two tents located in an Israeli enclave in Mount Dov, just meters inside the blue line. As Israel seeks a diplomatic resolution to the situation, a member of parliament representing Hezbollah has criticized Israel’s stance.

Speaking on behalf of Hezbollah, Lebanese MP Mohammad Raed stated, “Israel demands that these two tents be vacated and prefers that Hezbollah vacate them because it is not interested in war. If the enemy doesn’t want war, then let him be quiet and angry.”

These comments followed a report from a Lebanese website, which stated that Hezbollah had informed UNIFIL, the UN interim force in Lebanon, about its refusal to evacuate the tents. The report highlighted that Hezbollah was prepared for any potential developments and emphasized its claim that the tents were located in a “liberated area,” indicating its refusal to withdraw and hand them over to Israel.

Israel had previously identified the two tents and chose to deal with the situation diplomatically in order to prevent an escalation in the northern sector. Army officials clarified that, despite being manned by armed Hezbollah personnel, the tents did not pose an immediate threat and were seen as another provocation by the organization along the border line.

Situated in the Har Dov sector, which lacks a border fence and is marked only by rocks and barrels, the Israeli enclave is home to several IDF outposts. Despite the absence of Israeli settlements in the mountainous area, the sector remains under constant military surveillance to prevent any attempts by hostile groups to penetrate Israeli territory.

As tensions persist, the international community will be closely monitoring the situation for potential further escalations. Both sides must navigate delicate diplomatic channels to resolve the issue peacefully, ensuring the stability of the region.

[End of Article]

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