High Cholesterol and Cancer: There is a serious relationship between bad fat and cancer

by time news

High cholesterol and tumors: Studies confirm that cancer uses “bad” fat to expand. People with this disorder are also more resistant to treatment

Il high cholesterol unfortunately it is a health problem that is really too widespread in the Italian population. It is estimated that over 30% of our fellow citizens suffer from this disorder, which seriously increases the risk of serious illness. It was initially thought that the accumulation of “bad” fats in the arteries (LDL cholesterol) which favors the formation of atherosclerotic plaques could be among the main causes of cardiovascular diseases come stroke e heart attack. Today it seems there are new clues that the high cholesterol not only is it dangerous for the heart but it can favor the formation of some types of tumors.

High cholesterol and tumors

According to some recent studies there would be some form of correlation between high cholesterol e cancer of the pancreas, stomach, ovaries e otherwise. The role of “bad” fat in favoring the fat has not yet been clarified colon cancer. But scientists have some more certainty that these particular forms of cancer use the high cholesterol to reproduce cancer cells more easily and quickly. Not only that, those suffering from this disorder would be more resistant to therapies to fight cancer.

For all these reasons it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced and low-fat diet, no smoking and very little alcohol and a minimum of daily physical activity. Some foods are particularly useful in counteracting “bad” fat. If you suffer from high cholesterol you can get from your doctor all the information you need to reduce it.

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