High cholesterol and diabetes: the secret weapon to fight both

by time news

High cholesterol: spirulina algae can help to dispose of “bad” fats in the blood and in view of diabetes to control blood sugar

The high cholesterol according to the latest estimates, it is a problem that affects almost 38% of the Italian population. We start talking about high cholesterol when “bad” fat concentrations (LDL cholesterol) exceed i 240 mg/dl. Above this threshold it is possible that plaques may form in the arteries that reduce the transport capacity of blood by the cardiovascular system. This significantly increases the risk of serious diseases such as heart attack ed stroke.

Prevention passes above all from diet (associated with daily physical exercise) and to combat high cholesterol a new weapon seems to have been discovered which due to its characteristics seems to be suitable for regulating levels of glycemia in those who suffer from diabetes. We are talking aboutalga spirulina.

High cholesterol: spirulina algae

L’alga spirulina it is not really a seaweed but a cyanobattery. It is usually sold in powder or capsule form. This food is rich in B vitamins, iron, copper, beta-carotene and Omega 3. According to a study published in the Journal Of Medicinal Foodl’alga spirulina favors the decrease of LDL cholesterol and at the same time stimulates the production of the “good” one (HDL cholesterol). Not only that, a research published on the Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders would confirm the power of the alga to control triglycerides with beneficial effects for the sick diabetes.

The first study involved 25 volunteers with type 2 diabetes who were given 2 g of alga spirulina per day for 2 months. In many cases, a decrease in blood sugar levels after meals was recorded, a result also confirmed by the second research.

Spirulina algae, as it is taken

L’alga spirulina it can be consumed in dried fruit smoothies or in combination with yogurt and kefir or as a dressing for salads. Before including it in your diet, however, especially for those suffering from diabetes, it is always advisable to contact a doctor or nutritionist to obtain a professional opinion on what is the best diet to follow based on the needs of your unique organism.

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