High cholesterol, what to eat: 3 seasonal products perfect for the diet

by time news

High cholesterol, what to eat? Here are three seasonal vegetables that not only help reduce bad fat but also help control blood sugar

Spring has finally arrived and with it many seasonal products to put on the table. Choosing this type of food not only allows us to keep the body healthy but also to promote more sustainable agriculture. The problem of high cholesterol what to eat it is rather felt, given that millions of Italians unfortunately suffer from this disorder. It is estimated that nearly 38% of the population have levels of “bad” blood fat (LDL cholesterol) that are too high. Diet is the fundamental tool for controlling the high cholesterol and lower it (here’s how in the shortest time possible). The same is true for those suffering from diabetes with the glycemia. There are in fact many unsuspected foods that contain sugar.

High cholesterol, what to eat? Three seasonal vegetables against “bad” fat

Il high cholesterolwhich it seems to be associated with several forms of severe cancer, it is therefore also fought by consuming the right amount of seasonal vegetables. Among the vegetables available between March and June there are asparagus, which stimulate diuresis by helping to cleanse the kidneys. This product also promotes intestinal regularity thanks to the high quantity of fibers, which they contain help to regulate high cholesterol and blood sugar level. The asparagus they also contain vitamins and antioxidants for the prevention of infections and which help strengthen the heart and bones.

Another seasonal food for the high cholesterol there are the gave. These legumes can be eaten cooked or even better raw to preserve their purifying properties. The beans in fact contain many fibers and phytosterols useful to counteract the high cholesterol. Furthermore, the amino acid L-dopa would help keep the brain healthy and prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

Finally, the spinach they are perhaps the most useful vegetable to counteract the high cholesterol. First of all they are low in calories (25 per 100 g of product), they are rich in iron, they have an antioxidant and anticancer power and thanks to the presence of vitamins A, K, C they help sight, skin and bones. The high intake of Omega 3, on the other hand, helps prevent heart disease.

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