High cholesterol, what to eat for breakfast: 7 foods that must not be missing

by time news

High cholesterol, what to eat for breakfast: the products that cannot be missing on the table in the morning

It is said that the Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and this also applies to those who suffer from high cholesterol. Reducing the levels of “bad” fats in the blood is essential to reduce the risk of incurring serious cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack e stroke. An excess of LDL cholesterol in fact it increases the possibility of plaque formation in the arteries that prevent the correct blood flow. The diet, if balanced and low in fat, is one of the factors that most contribute to lowering the high cholesterol. Proper nutrition combined with physical exercise and drug therapy in severe cases can bring benefits in a very short time (HERE’S HOW MUCH YOU NEED TO LOWER IT).

We remind you that before changing your diet it is always advisable to contact a doctor, nutritionist or dietician, to receive ad hoc advice on which diet is best suited to your body and to avoid running into further health problems.

High cholesterol, what to eat for breakfast

The Breakfast of those who suffer from high cholesterol must be a low calorie intake and of sugars. Instead, the fibre, which reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. These are mainly contained in Whole grains and in particular inavena and inbarley. The latter also contain beta-glucanoable to reduce the bad cholesterol. For breakfast it is therefore advisable to have oat flakes, bran, bread or biscuits made with this cereal, acena milk and barley coffee on the table.

Another important element in breakfast to reduce the high cholesterol and the dried fruit shell like almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts rich in Omega-3. Walnuts are the most suitable of all thanks to their high intake of fiber, magnesium and vitamin E. A study published inAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that 35g of nuts a day can reduce total cholesterol by nearly 5% and LDL cholesterol by 9% in one month. Equally useful in reducing the high cholesterol is fresh fruit rich in fiber such as apples, strawberries e oranges. Instead, exotic fruit should be avoided.

High cholesterol, what to eat for breakfast: beware of dairy products

Dairy products theoretically are the worst enemies of those who suffer from high cholesterol. Milk and yogurt they should therefore be consumed not whole but without fat or in any case skimmed. To be privileged vegetable milk based on rice, almonds, soy e avena. As for the cheeses it is better to eliminate the seasoned and creamy ones to throw on the fresh and lean ones like ricotta. Another product rich in cholesterol are the egg. In any case, nutritionists still recommend consuming them at least 2-3 times a week. The best alternative is to consume only thealbums.

High cholesterol, what to eat for breakfast: the most suitable drinks

You e chocolate are foods that help increase levels of good cholesterol. As for the varieties, it is recommended to consume tender e verde while the chocolate it should be bitter powder O dark (at least 80%). Equally useful in reducing the high cholesterol are the juices al melograno e tangerine and the most classic water and lemon. The soy is useful in fighting the high cholesterol when consumed in the form of milk and yogurt or homemade tofu spread on wholemeal bread.

Read also:

High cholesterol, fish to avoid: 6 products to eliminate from the table

High cholesterol, here is the chocolate recommended by science

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High cholesterol: here are 7 cheeses you can’t give up

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