High-Dose Flu Vaccination Pilot Project for Elderly Civil Servants – Comptroller General’s Department

by time news

2024-07-16 10:30:00

High-dose pilot flu vaccination For those entitled to withdraw money directly from the Comptroller and Auditor General’s Department aged 65 or over.

July 16, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Comptroller-General’s Department – Infectious Diseases Association – Ramathibodi Hospital meets In the pilot project, those eligible to pay directly to the Comptroller-General’s Department aged 65 and over will be given a high-dose flu vaccination sine today (July 16, 2024) at the hall, 1st floor, combined medical and school teaching and operating building. . Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University in collaboration with the Comptroller General’s Department, Ministry of Finance and the Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand Organized the opening ceremony A “pilot project was initiated to provide high-dose influenza vaccine to those eligible for direct payment from the Comptroller and Auditor General’s Department who are 65 years old and older” to strengthen immunity to prevent influenza in elderly people aged 65 years and older vaccination, which has received good cooperation from the Department of Comptroller General. Ministry of Finance To support access to a highly effective vaccine, the project has started with injections among those who are entitled to receive direct payment from the Comptroller and Auditor General’s Department aged 65 and over. With Ramathibodi Hospital being the first agency to provide services, Ms. Patricia Mongkhonvanich, Director General of the Department of the Comptroller General Ministry of Finance Referring to the support to strengthen immunity with vaccines, said that this pilot project will provide vaccines high dose flu for those eligible for direct disbursement from the Comptroller and Auditor General’s Department aged 65 and over. The focus is on promoting care for Thai civil servants Have increased immunity to reduce the burden and alleviate anxiety. Ensure that civil servants have good health and quality of life. Especially retired government officials. Ongoing medical welfare care is still important, not to be neglected, and we think the high-dose flu vaccination pilot project will be one of the gifts from the government. To prevent flu this season We also ask people who are entitled to make direct payments to the Comptroller General’s Department who are 65 years of age or older to receive the service. In Phase 1 of this pilot project, 50,000 vaccine doses have been allocated throughout the country. Starting today Until the end of August 2024, the Lecturer Dr. Pairoj Bunkongchuen, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Discussing the importance of high-dose influenza vaccination ( High-dose influenza) It is a highly contagious respiratory infection. It is considered a local disease. When you are ill, you will lose costs such as medicine, medical costs, travel costs Some patients may lose income from time off work. Or some patients may have severe symptoms to the point of death. In addition, influenza is a contagious respiratory disease that spreads throughout the year. So the flu vaccine is an option to prevent disease and reduce the severity of the disease. As for the high-dose flu vaccine, it is indicated to prevent flu and reduce hospital stays from flu pneumonia in the elderly over 65 years of age, it is important to promote flu immunity. -good. Associate Professor Dr. Phirun Mutsikapan, President of the Infectious Diseases Society of Thailand Referring to the support for information on high-dose influenza vaccination, the World Health Organization reported that approximately 650,000 people die from influenza each year, and the flu accounts for about 70-90 percent of these deaths. elderly people aged 65 and over in Thailand. The Department of Disease Control reports that more than 470,000 cases of influenza were detected in 2023, with 29 deaths. It was found that there were more than 180,000 patients, with 14 deaths The outbreak situation is higher than the average of the last 5 years Preventing diseases with vaccines. It has been accepted from around the world to It is the most effective, safest and most worthwhile investment in health. Because it can reduce the infection rate of flu. Reducing the severity of the disease Reducing hospital admissions and reducing the death rate. The Infectious Diseases Society of Thailand has recommended high-risk groups The flu vaccine should be given priority and the flu vaccine should be recommended for all adults who wish to be vaccinated. To reduce the severity of the disease and prevent complications They recommend the high-dose flu vaccine as an alternative for seniors 65 years of age and older. Referring to the importance of preventing the flu that the elderly group is classified as a group at high risk of increased illness and death. Despite the potential for many complications, influenza vaccination is an effective and safe method of disease prevention for the elderly. In this first phase Ramathibodi Hospital has received a high dose allocation for influenza from the Comptroller General’s Department. The injections were advertised and given to the elderly, aged 65 and over, who are entitled to medical benefits for civil servants. And the injections will be given to elderly people who have registered. It will also be distributed to various outpatient examination units to provide injections to service recipients according to the criteria of the Comptroller General’s Department The high dose flu vaccination project is for those who are eligible to pay directly to the Department of Comptroller General – Comptroller and Auditor who is over 65 years old. and older will continue in phase 2, with injections starting from October – December 2024, a total of 100,000 doses Those who meet the criteria to receive the vaccine must be aged 65 years and older Is vaccine in Phase 1 or if they have received the regular dose flu vaccine for at least 6 months can follow information about agencies and medical facilities participating in the project on the website of the Comptroller General’s Department. www.cgd.go.th/medical treatment/interesting information about medical costs/laws, regulations and circulars (Medical welfare) from the collaboration that took place Through the Comptroller General’s Department Ministry of Finance The Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand and the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University This group of people is very concerned. So we invite you to help prevent the flu by getting a high-dose flu vaccine.

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