high heels history: High heel is a shoe for men .. How do you know it is for women?

by time news
If there’s one popular shoe among women today it’s high heels. Designed to show off high heels, these shoes are a favorite of women.

High heels

It is customary for people of high status in society to wear these high heels. Women wear these shoes when they go to a party or party. But did you know one thing is that these high heels are shoes made for women or is it made purely for men.

For men

This thing may be new to you. But it is true that these high heels made for men are worn by men in times of war and on horseback. People use these types of shoes to have good grip when riding.

King of Persia

These men’s high heels first came into use in 1599 during the reign of Shah Abbas, King of Persia. When he went to Europe he wore the colony so high. This shoe has been a trend in Europe ever since. Slowly this trend spread to many countries.

King Louis XIV


Mostly kings in those days wore shoes with such large heels. King Louis XIV, in particular, made it a custom to wear heels 10 inches high. The main reason for this is his height. He was only 4 feet 5 inches tall in total.

The women began to wear

It was not until the 1740s that women began to wear sandals with such high heels. Over the next 50 years it slowly moved from men to women. Men dropped these types of sandals because women wore too much. Since then there has been a change in its form as well. It is in high use among women today. But scientists say wearing big heels is bad for your health. May cause damage to the hips, back, and knees. Leave your comments about it in the comments


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