high iron food For vegetarians, vegetarians, what is there and how to eat to help nourish the blood.

by time news

There are many types of high iron foods. But here we only select foods that are high in iron that vegetarians eat. Vegetarian, can eat, check to see what’s there.

Many people understand that high-iron foods may focus on meat, but in fact, many vegetables, fruits, and whole grains contain a relatively small amount of iron. so during the festivalvegetarian or someone who is always vegetarian I can eat foods that are high in iron. without having to encroach on large and small animals But before going to check the list of foods that are high in iron, there are some types. Let’s get to know the benefits of iron for the body first.

How important is iron? If missing is it dangerous?

Iron is a soluble mineral group. It is important in enhancing hemoglobin. which is an important component of red blood cells And serves to transport oxygen to various organs in the body, so if the body lacks iron, it may result in a decrease in blood concentration. Because the blood is not enough to meet the needs of the body.

And if iron deficiency for a long time may be at risk of anemia (Anemia), causing feelings of weakness, fatigue, dizziness, cold easily, hyperactivity, sharp reflexes or slower in analytical thinking. The longer the iron deficiency The symptoms will only get more severe. Iron deficiency in young children, in particular, can affect the growth of children’s brains. causing children to develop inferiority to children who have never been iron deficient

How much iron does the average person need per day?

The average adult body needs about 10.4 milligrams of iron per day. In males, about 24.7 milligrams of iron per day is required for females. but for teenagers woman during menstruation pregnant woman There will be an increased need for iron. which we can get iron from the food we eat each day

What foods are high in iron?

high iron food

As said, we can get iron from the foods we eat every day. Iron is usually found in animal offal (liver and spleen), blood, meat, egg yolks, chicken, fish, clams, mussels, oysters, and seafood. Iron in these foods is heme iron. ), which the body can absorb directly and will be absorbed quite a lot

Iron is also found in vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, but it is in the form of non-heme iron, which is less bioavailable than heme iron. or may have to rely on factors that promote absorption from other foods that are eaten at the same time.

Foods high in iron for vegetarians and vegans
what’s up

Getting iron from green foods such as vegetables, grains, and beans, without getting iron from any meat, will deprive the body of heme iron. which is a type of iron that is easily absorbed and absorbed by the body But during the vegetarian diet or abstaining from meat Iron from the following foods is considered another good choice.

1. Nuts


Legumes also contain some iron. And there are many types of nuts to choose from. Such as mung beans, black beans, red beans, white beans, peanuts, soybeans, edamame, green peas, almonds, cashews, etc.

Nuts, super good food The benefits of small seeds

2. Tofu


3. Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds

Chewy cereals like pumpkin seeds also contain iron. Choose to eat and play during the day. Or it can be used to decorate various vegetarian dessert menus, and pumpkin seeds do not have only iron. But also rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, magnesium or protein is also available.

Pumpkin, a weight loss food, helps your skin bounce, full of benefits.

4. Sesame


Both black and white sesame seeds contain iron. It also contains important minerals such as protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc, which are all important nutrients for the metabolism. So anyone who wants to lose weight can arrange black sesame or white sesame as you like.

11 benefits of black sesame seeds value overflow Healthy Super Food

5. Oatmeal


Breakfast that wants to add iron to the body. I can arrange oatmeal. and in addition to iron Oats are also rich in soluble fiber. called beta glucan which has immune-stimulating properties Helps in the functioning of the intestines and has a reduction in cholesterol levels in the body It also contains plant protein, magnesium, zinc and folate.

8 oatmeal recipes for weight loss Quality breakfast, easy to fill, low in fat

6. Vegetables


7. Chaplu leaves

betel leaf

8. Eggplant


Who in the past pushed the eggplant off the plate every time they met? From now on, I have returned to my heart. Especially people who want to supplement iron for the body. Because this vegetable contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and fiber in the pectin group. which is a soluble fiber Helps to coat the intestinal wall aids in digestion and can help reduce blood sugar levels

23 eggplant dishes, Thai recipes that are easy to make and fill the stomach for three meals.

9. Ear mushrooms

ear mushroom

10. Potatoes


Don’t think of potatoes as the only source of good carbohydrates. Because in this type of plant, there is iron for the body as well. Along with vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, as well as antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin B6.

13 Potato Dishes Good formula, great tips to please the internet

11. Ripe papaya

ripe papaya

Ripe papaya is rich in antioxidant beta-carotene. It also contains iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, thianin, niacin, fiber, and ripe fruit also has a mild laxative effect, helping to solve constipation, difficult to pass stools, nourish the elements, nourish milk and help digestion.

papaya benefits outstanding properties of fruit Can be both savory and sweet

12. Prune juice

Prune juice

However, iron intake from plants, vegetables, fruits or mushrooms is less than that of other meats, thus increasing absorption. Should eat iron-rich foods together with foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin B12, as well as avoid drinking milk or antacids with iron-rich foods. Because it may hinder or reduce the body’s absorption of iron.

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