High rates of norovirus morbidity

by time news

The number of deaths from corona in Israel rose to 12,229, an increase of 26 deaths from last week. The number of patients in serious condition returned to a slow decline and ranged from 90 to 100. Currently, 353 patients with corona are hospitalized in the hospitals. The disease is still here infecting people, some for the first time, including the writer of these lines who got sick last week and is still positive.

There are still some places in the world where the corona is reaching for the first time, such as the Tokelau Islands in the Pacific Ocean. In the islands that inhabit about a thousand inhabitants, It was only in December 2022 that the first patients were discovered, who have since recovered and even attended a wedding in mid-January, an event that was postponed until tests showed that all patients had recovered. Tokelau seems to have been the last territory in the world to report Corona for the first time, with the exception of Turkmenistan which banned the use of this word by law, as a way to solve the problem.

Measles in Africa

In South Africa they have already been diagnosed Over 500 measles patients, most of them under the age of 9, although there are also some adults, even 60 years old. There is no information about most of the patients if they were vaccinated. The immune status is only known for about a fifth of the patients, and most of them are indeed not vaccinated. The country continues the campaign to promote vaccination, because vaccinations are the only way to stop the measles epidemic.

In Ohio, in the USA, the end of the measles epidemic was declared, which infected 85 children, none of whom were fully vaccinated. 36 of the patients were hospitalized due to complications. Almost all patients in Ohio were under 5 years of age, the most dangerous age to get it.

In South Sudan where the health system is almost non-existent, measles patients are less fortunate. The poor country is still struggling In the epidemic that began at the beginning of 2022. Of the 4,339 suspected infections that are known about them, 46 patients died, that is, more than 1 percent of mortality. Although more than 770 thousand children were vaccinated in Sudan following the outbreak, in December 2022 a new outbreak was detected. Another vaccination campaign is planned for this coming March. Despite the efforts, the rate of children vaccinated in the country is still far from the 95 percent target needed to stop measles outbreaks, and it is one of the African countries with the lowest vaccination rate.

The viruses do not rest

For the attention of travelers to the UK, The authorities there report particularly high rates of morbidity from norovirus, a highly contagious and resistant intestinal virus, with morbidity 66 percent higher than average. The virus can be contracted by direct contact between people, by contact with a contaminated surface, even if it has already been cleaned, and through the air after the patient has vomited.

to finish, Equatorial Guinea put 200 people into isolation, After ten unexplained deaths Undiagnosed hemorrhagic fever. It seems that all those who died from the disease had previously attended the same funeral, and may have been infected there. Samples from the patients were sent to neighboring Gabon and Senegal in an attempt to understand what causes the mysterious disease that causes bleeding, joint pain, vomiting and diarrhea. The great Ebola epidemic of West Africa in 2014 also started in a similar way. To be safe, neighboring Cameroon on the other side has already closed the borders with Equatorial Guinea.

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