Higher parking fees for SUVs? This is what cities in Lower Saxony say | NDR.de – News – Lower Saxony

by time news

As of: February 5, 2024 5:31 p.m

Should SUV drivers pay higher parking fees? The people of Paris voted for it in a citizens’ vote. In Lower Saxony, however, there are still concerns.

by Oliver Jürgens

After Parisians voted to introduce higher SUV parking fees for non-residents from September, the discussion is also gaining momentum here. Many municipalities in Lower Saxony have already dealt with the topic – Oldenburg for example, but also Bremen. However, higher parking fees for heavy and gas-guzzling off-road vehicles have not yet been introduced anywhere. The city of Lüneburg is currently working on a new parking space concept. All options are kept open and there are no restrictions on thinking, according to the Lüneburg town hall.

AUDIO: Higher parking fees for SUVs? (1 min)

Not an issue for rural areas

In most cases, cities and municipalities have not yet given the topic any thought. Celle, Hildesheim, Osnabrück or even Uelzen – the administrations currently see no need for action. In any case, the topic seems to be more relevant for metropolitan areas and larger cities. Hanover’s mayor Belit Onay (Greens) has asked a traffic planning office to find suggestions for a solution that complies with the law. This is specifically about resident parking. According to a ruling by the Federal Administrative Court, parking fees for longer cars cannot simply be significantly increased. According to the ruling, this violates the principle of equality. That’s why the city of Tübingen (Baden-Württemberg) charges more money for resident parking not for longer cars, but for particularly heavy cars.

AUDIO: Association of cities and municipalities is critical of SUV parking fees (6 min)

Association of cities and municipalities fears further division

The President of the Lower Saxony Association of Cities and Municipalities, Marco Trips, has major concerns. “A rule like the one in Paris would divide the rural areas and the city,” he fears. The reason behind this is that in Paris only those who visit the city pay more. The fees for city dwellers themselves will not be increased. The Association of Cities and Municipalities also fears that administrative costs will be too high. “This should then be solved through higher taxes for SUVs,” said Trips. But that would then be the responsibility of the federal government.

Further information

Paris is the model. From September onwards, parking fees for large sports off-road vehicles will triple there. (02/03/2024) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 02/05/2024 | 12:00 o’clock

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