“highest-tech” not “highest-tech”

by time news

Sequence further altoand not higher talleris the appropriate one to express a quality in maximum degree of the noun to which it accompaniesas in “The highest technology within everyone’s reach.”

Despite this, in the media there are examples such as the following: “These two players have their own merits to be at the highest level”, “This prison remains the one with the highest density of detainees” or “Our articles are made of the highest quality wood.

He Dictionary of the Spanish language define alto as ‘higher in relation to another lower term’, as in “These two games are high level.” For his part, he Panhispanic dictionary of doubts notes that the way to indicate that the elevation, grade or category is the maximum is with higher: “It is one of the highest-end keyboards of the company.”

It’s inappropriatetherefore, use the tallest rather the tallestwhich may be due to a cross with sequences where he mayor by itself already indicates a maximum quantity or quality of the noun: «It has been classified as the company with the highest export index».

Thus, in the examples at the beginning, the indicated thing would have been to write “These two players have their own merits to be at the highest level”, “This prison remains the one with the highest density of detainees” and “Our articles are made of wood of the highest quality.

See also

older o greater thandifferences

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