Hiking tip through the vineyards near Neck home

by time news

EA school, a square, a hall, a street and, last but not least, a wine – they all bear the name of Carl Zuckmayer in the Rhenish-Hessian town of Halsheim. The official naming of the community after the playwright who was born there in 1896 was still missing. But they prefer to add “In the happy vineyard” as an addendum. This comes closer to the self-perception and locality in the largest growing area in Germany. Even 45 years after his death, he is one of the most-performed authors, and there couldn’t be enough of the honors – from Halsheim, which offered him honorary citizenship (1952), to the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, which awards its literature prize in Zuckmayer’s name .

Of course, on every “round” birthday, Nackenheim commemorates his older son with special events. Only the 125th had to be canceled due to corona. So it was a good thing to be able to catch up on the commemoration with this year’s celebrations of the 1250th anniversary of the founding of the community. With the traditional “Kerb” at “Weck, Woi und Worscht” on Carl-Zuckmayer-Platz, the festivities end this weekend – under the eyes of the poet. A bust dedicated to him was installed in the half-timbered town hall there in 1982.

The 1751 building is one of the older ones. The situation on the Rhine was both a blessing and a curse. Prosperity from wine and trade aroused covetousness. Neck home was destroyed several times down to the foundations. The parish church of St. Gereon stands for this. As if in triumph, it towers over the town, visible from afar. As early as the seventh century, the diocese of Cologne, which was wealthy here at the time, erected a church dedicated to Saint Gereon. The archbishopric of Mainz later retained the patron saint of Cologne, initiating today’s baroque building and richly furnishing it. The municipality put the finishing touches: the gables on the west side and the tower were only added at the beginning of the 20th century.


Thanks to the Rheinterrassenweg between Worms and Mainz, further loops can be linked through its branching feeder system. So from Halsheim into the open agricultural land, which closes the Rhine-side vantage point in a westerly direction. Due to the specified use of farm roads, however, longer asphalt sections cannot be avoided. A feeder to the Terrassenweg is already available at the train station. To distinguish its green and blue icon, it is yellow. It points across the parking lot and then through Mainzer Straße and Langgasse (here another parking space) into the older part to the connection to the main path. Behind the red-painted museum building, he climbs the stairs to the Gereonskirche.

Passing the cemetery, the marking is on the left and in front of the winery 400 meters further on the right into the Wingerte. Motorists can also park there, a few steps below at the Carl-Zuckmayer-Halle. Despite three turns, the route leads well through the rows of vines hung lavishly with grapes. When the Terrassenweg has leveled off straight ahead for more than 700 meters, you no longer follow its turn to the right towards Bodenheim, but instead turn left onto the Eichelsbachtalweg that now appears. It is used for the passage over the hamlet of Teuerborn on the other side of the country road, slightly descending to the namesake. At the bottom, from the bend in the left toack home, his task is accomplished. From now on you can trust the Rheinterrassenweg in the yellow version again.

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