Hip fractures due to osteoporosis are on the rise in Mexico

by time news

2023-08-30 04:00:30

Osteoporosis cannot be cured, but it can be treated to prevent serious consequences such as hip fractures.
According to INAPAM, in 2005, 20,725 cases were detected in Mexico, although by 2050 the figure could increase fivefold.
Bone densitometry is the ideal test to identify this test and is recommended from the age of 65.

The Osteoporosis is a problem that has become normalized in society, although it should not be so because among its consequences are hip fractures. In addition, both the lifestyle and the increase in life expectancy cause its incidence to be increasing. In fact, the outlook for the following decades is not encouraging.

According to the figures of the Ministry of Health (SSa), this disease currently affects more than 10 million Mexicansof which 18% are women between the ages of 35 and 60.

For its part, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) indicates that type I osteoporosis is associated with menopause. While type II is related to age and is more common in people over 70 years of age.

Osteoporotic chain fractures

However, the National Institute for Older Adults (INAPAM) estimates that by 2050 the annual number of hip fractures due to osteoporosis will reach 110,055 cases. The figure represents more than five times that registered in 2005, which was 20,725 cases.

There are other factors of great importance for a person to develop osteoporosis. For example, the genetic factor, chronic use of steroids, rheumatoid arthritis, smoking, and consuming alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

Additionally, the Dr. Lorenza Martínez Gallardo Prietoa geriatrician and internist at the ABC Medical Center, added that frequently people with osteoporosis do not know they have it until they present some type of fracture, especially those that generate pain.

A disease that does not cause initial symptoms

This is because it is a disease that does not show signs or symptoms during its development. While the most common fractures that occur are those of the vertebrae, hip, hand or wrist.

Depending on the person’s age, the type of fracture may vary due to the situations they experience. For example, an older person but who is still agile, in a fall can put their hands in and that causes a wrist fracture. While in someone older, where his reactions are not so fast, the same fall does not stop him with his hands and a hip fracture can arise there.

How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

The optimum to achieve the diagnosis of the osteoporosis at an early stage is to start with check-ups starting at age 65 in women or about five years after menopause. While, for men, it can be from the age of 70 or earlier if there are risk factors, such as steroid use, kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis, direct relatives with osteoporosis at an early age.

The main study to achieve this diagnosis is the bone densitometry, which should preferably be performed on the hip and spine. This study, which in addition to diagnosing osteoporosis, also identifies osteopenia, a minor but still careful wear on the bones.

Although there is no cure for osteoporosis, it can be controlled by factors that improve bone density and quality. These factors include a correct diet, which provides calcium and vitamin D.

Carry out weight-bearing exercise (weights), walking or cycling, exercises that help regenerate bone and increase muscle strength, as well as balance. It is recommended that exercise be done at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. It is important to emphasize that the type of exercise and the intensity must be indicated by a specialist doctor so that it does not become a counterproductive action.

Specialists in the management of osteoporosis are the endocrinologistsalthough gynecologists and geriatricians also have the necessary knowledge for its diagnosis and treatment.

Also read:

This is the right diet to prevent osteoporosis according to the SSa

World Osteoporosis Day: Every 3 seconds causes a fracture

Mexicans design a transdermal patch for patients with osteoporosis

#Hip #fractures #due #osteoporosis #rise #Mexico

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