Hiroshi Tate is set to captivate movie enthusiasts with his new program, “Hiroshi Tate Cinema Lounge,” premiering on January 10 on the free BS broadcasting station BS10. This innovative show, in collaboration with the paid channel BS10 Star Channel, aims to broaden the audience for classic films, featuring insights from Tate and film critic Satori Ito. The inaugural episode will spotlight the iconic crime thriller “Heat,” showcasing the legendary performances of Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. Viewers can engage in real-time discussions via the official app “Tsunagaru Japanet,” enhancing the cinematic experience.Tune in every Saturday at 18:00 to explore the world of film with Tate, who promises to unveil hidden cinematic gems.
Title: exploring Classic Cinema with Hiroshi tate: The Premiere of “Hiroshi Tate Cinema Lounge”
Q: What inspired you to create “Hiroshi Tate Cinema Lounge,” and how does it differ from other film programs?
Hiroshi Tate: I wanted to create a space where audiences could not only enjoy classic cinema but also engage with it in a meaningful way. Unlike other film programs, “Hiroshi Tate Cinema Lounge” offers interactive components, allowing viewers to discuss films in real-time through the “Tsunagaru Japanet” app. This unique approach aims to foster a deeper appreciation for film, sparking conversations around the narratives, performances, and cinematography that make these classics timeless.
Q: Why did you choose “heat” as the inaugural film for the series?
Hiroshi Tate: “Heat” is a masterclass in filmmaking, featuring two of the greatest actors of our time, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. Their performances, combined with Michael Mann’s direction, create a taut narrative that resonates with themes of ambition, morality, and existential conflict. By starting with such an iconic title,we hope to set the tone for the quality and depth viewers can expect in future episodes.
Q: This collaboration with BS10 Star Channel is quite intriguing. Can you share more about the partnership?
Hiroshi Tate: Absolutely! Partnering with BS10 Star Channel allows us to leverage their platform while keeping the show accessible on the free BS station BS10. This strategic collaboration aims to reach a broader audience, bridging the gap between avid film lovers and those who may be new to classic films. We believe that great cinema should be celebrated and shared, not limited to niche audiences.
Q: How do you think engaging the audience through the app “Tsunagaru Japanet” will enhance their viewing experiance?
Satori Ito: The app enriches the viewing experience by allowing real-time discussions during the airing of the show. Viewers can share their thoughts, ask questions, and even take part in polls, creating a communal atmosphere around each film. This interactive element transforms passive viewing into an active engagement,which is especially vital for classic films that often require a different level of engagement to fully appreciate their nuances.
Q: as an expert in film criticism, what do you hope audiences take away from each episode of the Cinema Lounge?
Satori Ito: My primary goal is for viewers to leave each episode with a deeper understanding of the film’s context, themes, and filmmaking techniques. We aim to highlight the artistic elements that frequently enough go unnoticed—like scores, cinematography, and direction—while drawing parallels to modern cinema. If we can inspire just a few viewers to explore more classic films or revisit the ones they love with fresh eyes, I consider that a success.
Q: What advice would you give to audiences who may feel intimidated by classic films?
Hiroshi Tate: My advice is to approach classic films with an open mind. Don’t worry about feeling lost; instead, allow yourself to experience the film.Our discussions during the Lounge will help demystify these movies, making them more accessible. Engage with critics like Satori and me, who can provide insights and context to enhance your viewing. Remember, cinema is meant to be shared and enjoyed, regardless of how “old” the film might potentially be.
Q: Looking forward, what can we expect from future episodes?
Hiroshi Tate: Future episodes will continue to spotlight classic films across various genres. We plan to explore lesser-known gems alongside well-known masterpieces, ensuring a well-rounded experience. Each episode will offer new discussions and insights, promoting a continual exploration of cinema’s rich history. Our viewers can expect surprises and deeper dives into the artistry that defines filmmaking.
Tune in every Saturday at 18:00 starting January 10 for “Hiroshi Tate Cinema Lounge,” and prepare to discover the magic of classic cinema like never before!